TIC Ménages : Enquête sur les Technologies de l'Information de la Communication - Ménages
Années : 2023, 2022, 2021, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007
Producteur : Insee
Habilitation : Comité du Secret Statistique
L’enquête auprès des ménages sur les technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (TIC ménages) a été mise en place en 2007 pour répondre à une demande de l’Union Européenne. Elle a comme objectif de fournir des données sur l’équipement et les comportements des ménages et des individus en matière de TIC.
Elle permet de connaître le pourcentage d’utilisateurs d’internet et l’accès des ménages à internet fixe et mobile, la fréquence d’utilisation, les activités sur internet et les compétences informatiques des individus. Elle permet également de faire des comparaisons entre ces différentes informations selon les catégories socioprofessionnelles, les tranches d’âges et aussi selon les pays de résidence de l’Union Européenne. Le questionnaire comporte une partie ménage et une partie individu.
L’enquête est conduite en France métropolitaine et dans les DOM hors Mayotte. L’échantillon initial de l’enquête est tiré dans le fichier FIDELI.
Exemple de contenu des données pour TIC Ménages : Enquête sur les Technologies de l'Information de la Communication - Ménages
Nom de la variable | Libellé | Modalités |
AGE | Age | |
IU | When did you last use the internet? |
1 - Within the last 3 months 2 - Between 3 months and a year ago 3 - More than 1 year ago 4 - Never used it |
IFU | How often on average did you use the internet in the last 3 months? |
1 - Every day or almost every day 2 - At least once a week (but not every day) 3 - Less than once a week 9 - Not applicable |
IFU_D | Did you use the internet several times during the day? |
1 - Yes 0 - No 9 - Not applicable |
IUG_DKPC | On which of the following devices did you use the internet in the last 3 months? (desktop computer) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
IUG_LPC | On which of the following devices did you use the internet in the last 3 months? (laptop) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
IUG_TPC | On which of the following devices did you use the internet in the last 3 months? (tablet) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
IUG_MP | On which of the following devices did you use the internet in the last 3 months? (mobile phone or smart phone) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
IUG_OTH1 | On which of the following devices did you use the internet in the last 3 months? (other devices (example smart TV, smart speakers, game console, e-book reader, smart watch)) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
IUEM | For which of the following activities did you use the internet (including via apps) in the last 3 months for private purpose? (sending / receiving e-mails) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
IUPH1 | For which of the following activities did you use the internet (including via apps) in the last 3 months for private purpose? (making calls (including video calls) over the internet, for example, via Skype, Messenger, WhatsApp, Facetime, Viber, Snapchat) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
IUSNET | For which of the following activities did you use the internet (including via apps) in the last 3 months for private purpose? (participating in social networks (creating user profile, posting messages or other contributions to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapshat, etc.)) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
IUCHAT1 | For which of the following activities did you use the internet (including via apps) in the last 3 months for private purpose? (using instant messaging, that is exchanging messages, for example, via Skype, Messenger, WhatsApp, Viber, Snapchat) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
IUNW1 | For which of the following activities did you use the internet (including via apps) in the last 3 months for private purpose? (reading online news sites / newspapers / news magazines) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
IHIF | For which of the following activities did you use the internet (including via apps) in the last 3 months for private purpose? (seeking health-related information (example injuries, diseases, nutrition, improving health, etc.)) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
IUIF | For which of the following activities did you use the internet (including via apps) in the last 3 months for private purpose? (finding information about goods or services) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
IUPOL2 | For which of the following activities did you use the internet (including via apps) in the last 3 months for private purpose? (Expressing opinions on civic or political issues on websites or in social media (example Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube)) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
IUVOTE | For which of the following activities did you use the internet (including via apps) in the last 3 months for private purpose? (participating in social networks (taking part in on-line consultations or voting to define civic or political issues (example urban planning, signing a petition)) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
IUJOB | For which of the following activities did you use the internet (including via apps) in the last 3 months for private purpose? (looking for a job or sending a job application) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
IUSELL | For which of the following activities did you use the internet (including via apps) in the last 3 months for private purpose? (selling goods or services via a website or app (example eBay, Facebook, Marketplace, shpock)) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
IUBK | For which of the following activities did you use the internet (including via apps) in the last 3 months for private purpose? (internet banking (including mobile banking)) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
IUOLC | Have you conducted either of the following learning activities over the internet for educational, professional or private purposes in the last 3 months? (doing an online course) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
IUOLM | Have you conducted either of the following learning activities over the internet for educational, professional or private purposes in the last 3 months? (using online learning material other than a complete online course (example audio-visual materials, online learning software, electronic textbooks, learning apps)) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
IGOV12IF | Did you contact or interact with public authorities or public services over the internet for private purposes in the last 12 months for the following activities? (obtaining information from websites or apps) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
IGOV12FM | Did you contact or interact with public authorities or public services over the internet for private purposes in the last 12 months for the following activities? (downloading / printing official forms) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
IGOV12RT | Did you contact or interact with public authorities or public services over the internet for private purposes in the last 12 months for the following activities? (submitting completed forms online) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
IGOV12RTX_NAP | What were the reasons for not submitting completed forms to public authorities' websites or apps for private purposes in the last 12 months? (I did not have to submit official forms at all) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
IGOV12RTX_SNA | What were the reasons for not submitting completed forms to public authorities' websites or apps for private purposes in the last 12 months? (there was no such online service available) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
IGOV12RTX_SKL | What were the reasons for not submitting completed forms to public authorities' websites or apps for private purposes in the last 12 months? (Lack of skills or knowledge (example did not know how to use website or it was too complicated to use)) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
IGOV12RTX_SEC | What were the reasons for not submitting completed forms to public authorities' websites or apps for private purposes in the last 12 months? (concerns about protection and security of personal data) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
IGOV12RTX_PXOL | What were the reasons for not submitting completed forms to public authorities' websites or apps for private purposes in the last 12 months? (unwillingness to pay online (example due to fear of credit card fraud) or inability to pay online (example due to lack of access to payment methods equired)) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
IGOV12RTX_DEL | What were the reasons for not submitting completed forms to public authorities' websites or apps for private purposes in the last 12 months? (another person did it on my behalf (example consultant, tax adviser, relative or family member)) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
IGOV12RTX_OTH | What were the reasons for not submitting completed forms to public authorities' websites or apps for private purposes in the last 12 months? (other reason) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
IBUY | When did you last buy or order goods or services for private use over the internet? |
1 - Within the last 3 months 2 - Between 3 months and a year ago 3 - More than 1 year ago 4 - Never bought or ordered over the internet 9 - Not applicable |
BCLOT1 | Did you buy any of the following goods via a website or app for private use in the last 3 months? Include online purchases from enterprises or private persons, including used goods (clothes (including sport clothing), shoes or accessories (example bags, jewellery) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BSPG | Did you buy any of the following goods via a website or app for private use in the last 3 months? Include online purchases from enterprises or private persons, including used goods (sports goods (excluding sport clothing)) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BCG | Did you buy any of the following goods via a website or app for private use in the last 3 months? Include online purchases from enterprises or private persons, including used goods (children toys or childcare items (example nappies, bottles, baby strollers)) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BFURN1 | Did you buy any of the following goods via a website or app for private use in the last 3 months? Include online purchases from enterprises or private persons, including used goods (furniture, home accessories (example carpets or curtains) or gardening products (example tools, plants)) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BMUSG | Did you buy any of the following goods via a website or app for private use in the last 3 months? Include online purchases from enterprises or private persons, including used goods (music as CDs, vinyls etc.) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BFLMG | Did you buy any of the following goods via a website or app for private use in the last 3 months? Include online purchases from enterprises or private persons, including used goods (films or series as DVDs, Blu-ray etc.) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BBOOKNLG | Did you buy any of the following goods via a website or app for private use in the last 3 months? Include online purchases from enterprises or private persons, including used goods (printed books, magazines or newspapers) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BHARD1 | Did you buy any of the following goods via a website or app for private use in the last 3 months? Include online purchases from enterprises or private persons, including used goods (computers, tablets, mobile phones or accessories) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BEEQU1 | Did you buy any of the following goods via a website or app for private use in the last 3 months? Include online purchases from enterprises or private persons, including used goods (consumer electronics (such as TV-sets, stereos, cameras) or household appliances (example washing machines)) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BMED1 | Did you buy any of the following goods via a website or app for private use in the last 3 months? Include online purchases from enterprises or private persons, including used goods (medicine or dietary supplements such as vitamins (online renewal of prescriptions is not included)) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BFDR | Did you buy any of the following goods via a website or app for private use in the last 3 months? Include online purchases from enterprises or private persons, including used goods (deliveries from restaurants, fast-food chains, catering services) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BFDS | Did you buy any of the following goods via a website or app for private use in the last 3 months? Include online purchases from enterprises or private persons, including used goods (food or beverages from stores or from meal-kits providers) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BCBW | Did you buy any of the following goods via a website or app for private use in the last 3 months? Include online purchases from enterprises or private persons, including used goods (cosmetics, beauty or wellness products) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BCPH | Did you buy any of the following goods via a website or app for private use in the last 3 months? Include online purchases from enterprises or private persons, including used goods (cleaning products or personal hygiene products (example toothbrushes, handkerchiefs, washing detergents, cleaning cloths)) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BBMC | Did you buy any of the following goods via a website or app for private use in the last 3 months? Include online purchases from enterprises or private persons, including used goods (bicycles, mopeds, cars, or other vehicles or their spare parts) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BOPG | Did you buy any of the following goods via a website or app for private use in the last 3 months? Include online purchases from enterprises or private persons, including used goods (other physical goods) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BPG_ANY | Index variable BPG_ANY |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BPG_DOM | From whom did you buy the mentioned goods via a website or app in the last 3 months? Include online purchases from enterprises or private persons (national sellers) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BPG_EU | From whom did you buy the mentioned goods via a website or app in the last 3 months? Include online purchases from enterprises or private persons (sellers from other EU (European Union) countries) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BPG_WRLD | From whom did you buy the mentioned goods via a website or app in the last 3 months? Include online purchases from enterprises or private persons (sellers from the rest of the world) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BPG_UNK | From whom did you buy the mentioned goods via a website or app in the last 3 months? Include online purchases from enterprises or private persons (country of origin of sellers is not known) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BPG_PP | Did you buy any of the mentioned goods from private persons via a website or app (example on eBay, Facebook Marketplace, (national examples))? |
1 - Yes 0 - No 9 - Not applicable |
BMUSS | Did you buy or subscribe to any of the following via a website or app for private use in the last 3 months? (music as a streaming service or downloads) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BFLMS | Did you buy or subscribe to any of the following via a website or app for private use in the last 3 months? (films or series as a streaming service or downloads) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BBOOKNLS | Did you buy or subscribe to any of the following via a website or app for private use in the last 3 months? (e-books, online-magazines or online-newspapers) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BGAMES | Did you buy or subscribe to any of the following via a website or app for private use in the last 3 months? (games online or as downloads for smartphones, tablets, computers or consoles) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BSOFTS | Did you buy or subscribe to any of the following via a website or app for private use in the last 3 months? (computer or other software as downloads including upgrades) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BHLFTS | Did you buy or subscribe to any of the following via a website or app for private use in the last 3 months? (apps related to health or fitness (excluding free apps)) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BAPP | Did you buy or subscribe to any of the following via a website or app for private use in the last 3 months? (other apps (example related to learning languages, travelling, weather) (excluding free apps)) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BSTICK | Did you buy any of the following via a website or app for private use in the last 3 months? (tickets to sports events) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BCTICK | Did you buy any of the following via a website or app for private use in the last 3 months? (tickets to cultural or other events (cinema, concerts, fairs, etc.)) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BSIMC | Did you buy any of the following via a website or app for private use in the last 3 months? (subscriptions to the internet or mobile phone connections) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BSUTIL | Did you buy any of the following via a website or app for private use in the last 3 months? (subscriptions to electricity, water or heating supply, waste disposal or similar services) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BHHS | Did you buy any of the following via a website or app for private use in the last 3 months? (household services (example cleaning, babysitting, repair work, gardening) (also when bought from private persons) via example Facebook Marketplace, (national examples)) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BHHS_PP | Did you buy any of the mentioned household services via a website or app from private persons (example on Facebook Marketplace, (national examples))? |
1 - Yes 0 - No 9 - Not applicable |
BTPS_E | Did you buy any transport service via a website or app for private use in the last 3 months from: a transport enterprise, example local bus, train, flight ticket, taxi ride (example (national examples), UBER) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BTPS_PP | Did you buy any transport service via a website or app for private use in the last 3 months from: a private person (example (national examples)) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BRA_E | Did you rent accommodation via a website or app for private use in the last 3 months from: enterprises such as hotels or travel agencies |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BRA_PP | Did you rent accommodation via a website or app for private use in the last 3 months from: a private person (example Airbnb, (national examples)) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BF | How many times have you bought goods or services over the internet for private use in the last 3 months? |
1 - 1-2 times 2 - 3-5 times 3 - 6-10 times 4 - More than 10 times 9 - Not applicable |
IBV1 | Estimate how much money you have spent in total on your purchases via a website or app for private use in the last 3 months? |
1 - Less than 50 euro 2 - 50 to less than 100 euro 3 - 100 to less than 300 euro 4 - 300 to less than 500 euro 5 - 500 to less than 700 euro ... 6 - 700 to less than 1000 euro 7 - 1000 euro and more 8 - Don't know 9 - Not applicable |
BTFW1 | Did you encounter any of the following problems when buying via a website or with an app in the last 3 months? (website was difficult to use or it worked unsatisfactorily (too complicated, confusing, poorly functioning technically etc.)) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BDGL1 | Did you encounter any of the following problems when buying via a website or with an app in the last 3 months? (difficulties in finding information concerning guarantees and other legal rights) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BSPD1 | Did you encounter any of the following problems when buying via a website or with an app in the last 3 months? (speed of delivery slower than indicated) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BCPR1 | Did you encounter any of the following problems when buying via a website or with an app in the last 3 months? (final costs higher than indicated (example unexpected transaction fees or unjustified guarantee fees)) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BWDN1 | Did you encounter any of the following problems when buying via a website or with an app in the last 3 months? (wrong or damaged goods/services delivered) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BFRA1 | Did you encounter any of the following problems when buying via a website or with an app in the last 3 months? (Problems with fraud encountered (example no goods / services received at all, misuse of credit card details, etc.)) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BCR1 | Did you encounter any of the following problems when buying via a website or with an app in the last 3 months? (complaints and redress were difficult or no satisfactory response after complaint) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BDNS1 | Did you encounter any of the following problems when buying via a website or with an app in the last 3 months? (foreign retailer did not sell to my country) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BOTH2 | Did you encounter any of the following problems when buying via a website or with an app in the last 3 months? (others) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BARR2X | Did you encounter any of the following problems when buying via a website or with an app in the last 3 months? (I have not encountered any problem) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BFIN_IN1 | Did you carry out any of the following via a website or app for private purposes in the last 3 months? (buy insurance policies, including travel insurance, also as a package together with example a plane ticket) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BFIN_CR1 | Did you carry out any of the following via a website or app for private purposes in the last 3 months? (take a loan, mortgage or arrange credit from banks or other financial providers) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
BFIN_SH1 | Did you carry out any of the following via a website or app for private purposes in the last 3 months? (buy or sell shares, bonds, units in funds or other financial assets) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
NBSHAB1 | What were the reasons for not buying anything via a website or app in the last 3 months? (prefer to shop in person, like to see product, loyalty to shops, force of habit) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
NBSKL1 | What were the reasons for not buying anything via a website or app in the last 3 months? (perceived difficulty of ordering online (concerns about sufficiency of skills)) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
NBCD | What were the reasons for not buying anything via a website or app in the last 3 months? (concerns about cost of delivery of goods) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
NBSR1 | What were the reasons for not buying anything via a website or app in the last 3 months? (concerns about reliability or speed of delivery) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
NBPSC1 | What were the reasons for not buying anything via a website or app in the last 3 months? (payment security or privacy concerns) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
NBTRCM1 | What were the reasons for not buying anything via a website or app in the last 3 months? (concerns about returning goods, complaints / reimbursement) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
NBDNS1 | What were the reasons for not buying anything via a website or app in the last 3 months? (foreign retailer did not sell to my country) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
NBNND | What were the reasons for not buying anything via a website or app in the last 3 months? (there was no need to buy online in the last 3 months) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
NBOTH1 | What were the reasons for not buying anything via a website or app in the last 3 months? (other) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
CXFER1 | Which of the following activities have you carried out in the last 3 months? (copying or moving files (example documents, data, images, video) between folders, devices (example via e-mail, Messenger, WhatsApp, USB, cable) or on the cloud) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
CINSAPP1 | Which of the following activities have you carried out in the last 3 months? (downloading or installing software or apps) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
CCONF1 | Which of the following activities have you carried out in the last 3 months? (Changing settings of software, app or device (example adjusting language, colors, contrast, text size, toolbars / menu)) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
CWRD1 | Which of the following software related activities have you carried out in the last 3 months? (using word processing software) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
CPRES2 | Which of the following software related activities have you carried out in the last 3 months? (Creating files (example document, image, video) incorporating several elements such as text, picture, table, chart, animation or sound) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
CXLS1 | Which of the following software related activities have you carried out in the last 3 months? (using spreadsheet software) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
CXLSADV1 | Which of the following software related activities have you carried out in the last 3 months? (using advanced features of spreadsheet software (functions, formulas, macros, Visual Basic) to organize, analyze, structure or modify data) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
CEPVA1 | Which of the following software related activities have you carried out in the last 3 months? (editing photos, video or audio files) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
CPRG2 | Which of the following software related activities have you carried out in the last 3 months? (writing code in a programming language) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
UDI | Have you seen information or content (example videos, images) that you considered untrue or doubtful on internet news sites or social media (example Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter) in the last 3 months? |
1 - Yes 0 - No 9 - Not applicable |
TIC | Have you checked the truthfulness of the information or content you found on the internet news sites or social media in the last 3 months? |
1 - Yes 0 - No 9 - Not applicable |
TICCSFOI | How did you check truthfulness of the information or content found on the internet? (checking the sources or finding other information on the internet (example other news sites, Wikipedia, etc.)) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
TICIDIS | How did you check truthfulness of the information or content found on the internet? (following or taking part in discussion on the internet regarding the information) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
TICNIDIS | How did you check truthfulness of the information or content found on the internet? (discussing the information offline with other persons or using sources not on the internet) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
TICXND | Why did you not check truthfulness of the information or content found on the internet? (you already knew that information, content or source was not reliable) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
TICXSKL | Why did you not check truthfulness of the information or content found on the internet? (Lacked skills or knowledge (example did not know how to check information on the internet or it was too complicated to do)) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
TICXOTH | Why did you not check truthfulness of the information or content found on the internet? (other reasons) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
MAPS_RPS | Have you carried out any of the following to manage access to own personal data (example name, date of birth, identity card number, contact details, credit card number, photos, geographical location) on the internet in the last 3 months: read privacy policy statements before providing personal data |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
MAPS_RRGL | Have you carried out any of the following to manage access to own personal data (example name, date of birth, identity card number, contact details, credit card number, photos, geographical location) on the internet in the last 3 months: restricted or refused access to your geographical location |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
MAPS_LAP | Have you carried out any of the following to manage access to own personal data (example name, date of birth, identity card number, contact details, credit card number, photos, geographical location) on the internet in the last 3 months: limited access to profile or content on social networking sites or shared online storage |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
MAPS_RAAD | Have you carried out any of the following to manage access to own personal data (example name, date of birth, identity card number, contact details, credit card number, photos, geographical location) on the internet in the last 3 months:refused allowing the use of personal data for advertising purposes |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
MAPS_CWSC | Have you carried out any of the following to manage access to own personal data (example name, date of birth, identity card number, contact details, credit card number, photos, geographical location) on the internet in the last 3 months: checked that the website where you provided personal data was secure (example https sites, safety logo or certificate) |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
MAPS_APD | Have you carried out any of the following to manage access to own personal data (example name, date of birth, identity card number, contact details, credit card number, photos, geographical location) on the internet in the last 3 months: asked websites or search engines administrator or provider to access the data they hold about you to update or delete it |
1 - Ticked 0 - Not ticked 9 - Not applicable |
COOK1 | Did you know that cookies can be used to trace movements of people on the internet, to make a profile of each user and service them tailored ads? |
1 - Yes 0 - No 9 - Not applicable |
PCOOK1 | Have you changed the settings in your internet browser to prevent or limit cookies on any of the your devices? |
1 - Yes 0 - No 9 - Not applicable |
CCOOK | Are you concerned with your online activities being recorded to provide you with tailored advertising? |
1 - Yes, very concerned 2 - Yes, somehow concerned 0 - No, I'm not concerned 9 - Not applicable |
USLCOOK | Do you use software that limits the ability to track your activities on the internet on any of your devices? |
1 - Yes 0 - No 9 - Not applicable |
IND_ID | Individual ID | |
HH_REF_ID | ID of the household the individual belongs to | |
IND_WGHT | Individual Weight | |
YEARBIR | Year of birth | |
PASSBIR | Passing of birthday at the reference date |
1 - Yes 0 - No |
RF_AGE | Derived value age |
0 - Risk factor - age 1 - Not stated |
SEX | Sex |
1 - Male 2 - Female |
CNTRYB | Country of birth |
Country codes alpha-2 - cliquer ici |
CITIZENSHIP | Country of main citizenship |
Country codes alpha-2 - cliquer ici |
ISCEDD | Educational attainment level (highest level of education successfully completed) |
0 - No formal education or below 1 - Primary education 2 - Lower secondary education 3 - Upper secondary education 4 - Post-secondary non-tertiary education ... 5 - Short-cycle tertiary education 6 - Bachelor's or equivalent level 7 - Master's or equivalent level 8 - Doctoral or equivalent level 9 - Not applicable |
ISCED | Educational attainment level aggregated |
0 - At most lower secondary education 3 - Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education 5 - Tertiary education 9 - Not applicable |
RF_EDU1 | Derived value educational attainment level aggregated |
0 - Risk factor - education level 1 - Not stated |
MAINSTAT | Main activity status (self-defined) |
1 - Employed 2 - Unemployed 3 - Retired 4 - Unable to work due to long-standing health problems 5 - Student, pupil (not in the labour force) ... 6 - Fulfilling domestic tasks 7 - Compulsory military or civilian service 8 - Other 9 - Not applicable |
RF_MAINSTAT | Derived value main activity status |
0 - Risk factor - employment status 1 - Not stated |
STAPRO | Status in employment in main job |
1 - Self-employed person with employees 2 - Self-employed person without employees 3 - Employee 4 - Family worker (unpaid) 9 - Not applicable |
EMPST_WKT | Full or part-time main job (self-defined) |
1 - Full-time job 2 - Part-time job 9 - Not applicable |
EMPST_CONTR | Permanency of main job |
1 - Permanent job 2 - Fixed-term contract 9 - Not applicable |
ISCO2D | Occupation in the main job |
1 - Commissioned armed forces officers 2 - Non-commissioned armed forces officers 3 - Armed forces occupations, other ranks 11 - Chief executives, senior officials and legislators 12 - Administrative and commercial managers ... 13 - Production and specialized service managers 14 - Hospitality, retail, and other service managers 21 - Science and engineering professionals 22 - Health professionals 23 - Teaching professionals 24 - Business and administration professionals 25 - Information and communications technology professionals 26 - Legal, social and cultural professionals 31 - Science and engineering associate professionals 32 - Health associate professionals 33 - Business and administration associate professionals 34 - Legal, social, cultural and related associate professionals 35 - Information and communications technicians 41 - General and keyboard clerks 42 - Customer services clerks 43 - Numerical and material recording clerks 44 - Other clerical support workers 51 - Personal service workers 52 - Sales workers 53 - Personal care workers 54 - Protective service workers 61 - Market-oriented skilled agricultural workers 62 - Market-oriented skilled forestry, fishery and hunting workers 63 - Subsistence farmers, fishers, hunters and gatherers 71 - Building and related trades workers (excluding electricians) 72 - Metal, machinery and related trades workers 73 - Handicraft and printing workers 74 - Electrical and electronics trades workers 75 - Food processing, woodworking, garment and other craft and related trades workers 81 - Stationary plant and machine operators 82 - Assemblers 83 - Drivers and mobile plant operators 91 - Cleaners and helpers 92 - Agricultural, forestry and fishery labourers 93 - Labourers in mining, construction, manufacturing and transport 94 - Food preparation assistants 95 - Street and related sales and service workers 96 - Refuse workers and other elementary workers -1 - Not applicable |
OCC_ICT | ICT (information and communications technology) professional or non-ICT (information and communications technology) professional |
1 - ICT (information and communications technology) professional 0 - Non ICT (information and communications technology) professional 9 - Not applicable |
OCC_MAN | Manual worker or non-manual worker |
1 - Manual worker 0 - Non manual worker 9 - Not applicable |
INTDATE | Reference date | |
INT_TYPE | Interview type |
1 - Paper assisted personal interview (PAPI) 2 - Computer assisted personal interview (CAPI) 3 - Computer assisted telephone interview (CATI) 4 - Computer assisted web interview (CAWI) 5 - Other |
TIME | Interview duration |
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