Back to the list of publications Les déterminants de la mobilisation des “gilets jaunes” Author : DELEMOTTE T. Date of publication : July 2019Name : Les déterminants de la mobilisation des “gilets jaunes”Réf : Revue Economique Les Presses de Science Po Paris Link : Project Territory dynamics, job structure and international trade Data provided through CASD (39) EEC : Continuous Labour Force Survey RP : Population Census EDP : Permanent Demographic Sample EEA : Annual Labour Force Survey BTS-Postes : All employees databases - job position data Panel DADS : Panel for Annual Declaration of Social Data ESS : Wage Structure Survey Panel DADS-EDP : DADS panel with matched data from EDP EAE Services : Annual business survey on service companies EAE Commerce : Annual business survey on trade EAP : Annual production survey EAE Industrie : Annual Business Survey on industry FARE : Annual structural statistics of companies from the ESANE scheme LIFI : Financial Links between Enterprises EAE IAA : Annual business survey on agrifood companies EAE BTP : Annual business survey on construction EAE Transport : Annual business survey on the transport industry FICUS : Annual structural statistics of companies from the SUSE scheme SINE : New Enterprises Information System ECMOSS : Surveys on labour costs and wage structure Panel tous salariés : All-employee panel Panel tous salariés-EDP : All employee panel-EDP EPTB : Survey on building lot prices MDST : Structural modifications BTS-Salariés : All employees databases - employee data EMMGI : Study on means and practices related to intangible asset management CEP : Outlines of profiled enterprises Créations Entreprises : Business start-ups ESA-EAP : Annual sectoral survey - Annual production survey Créations Etablissements : Creation of establishments Stocks Entreprises et Etablissements : Company and establishment inventory Stocks Entreprises : Company inventory Stocks Etablissements : Establishment inventory Transferts Etablissements : Transfer of establishments ECMO : Survey on labour costs Enquête LIFI : Financial Links between Enterprises Survey ESA : Annual sectoral survey ENQ NC8 : Introductions/Expéditions en nomenclature combinée NC8 DOU NC8 : Importations et exportations avec les pays extra-Union européenne en nomenclature de produits NC8 + -