This project aims to develop a dynamic microsimulation model to study the evolution of French demography, career trajectories and income. This projection will analyze the potential short- and long-term impact of taxation and public policies related to retirement, elderly care and to the labor market.
It is thus necessary to simulate an initial population with observable characteristics close to the current French population, and then to simulate the aging of this population accordinf to different demographic and economic scenarios. The dynamics of individual characteristics are based on the estimation of models predicting their evolution. The determinants of processes such as marriage / divorce, the evoluton of employment status and associated income or the entry into a state of dependency are thus estimated successively.
Such a model will make it possible to characterize the overall evolution of the characteristics od the French population and career trajectories. It will also be useful for studying the impact of tax or social regorms on the French population.
Dynamic microsimulation representative of the French population
Data provided through CASD (59)