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Assessing the individual and societal economic consequences of premature widowhood following the Covid-19 pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic has left, and continues to leave, numerous men and women prematurely and unexpectedly widowed. Surviving spouses must not only cope with the psychological consequences of bereavement, but also deal with greater economic hardship following partner loss. Especially younger widows and widowers had less time on the labor market to finish financial preparations for old age and discuss post-bereavement financial planning. The overarching aim of this project is to assess the consequences of increased rates of premature and unexpected widowhood in terms of individual economic wellbeing and societal economic costs. Project members from six French and European universities and research institutes will collaborate not only to fill several gaps in social scientific knowledge on widowhood, but provide policy makers with evidence-based policy suggestions to counter and mitigate it individual and societal consequences in the short and long-term following the pandemic.