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Historical analysis of the suburban production job geography

The research project ADIASUB is part of a PUCA program (Urbanism Construction Architecture Planning) entitled "SUBWORK - (Sub)urban production jobs of the working classes" and conducted by researchers in geography, urbanism and sociology. It examines how the production and the evolution of production spaces (spaces where manufacturing, construction, craft and logistics activities are clustured) contribute to shaping workplaces and to access to employment for the working classes. It aims to analyse fine-scale geography of employment. In order to connect the issue of the localization of the production jobs with the issue of the geography of the working-class communities, the project loofs into home-to-work travels and compare residential geography with geography of employment. It will be necessary to cross-tabulate occupational categories with economic activity classifications in order to disentangle and precisely localise the production jobs of the working-class communities.