
Every CASD user works within a workspace shared only with other project members. This enables more freedom in the management of the workspace customization.

This work environment, closely resembling desktop, includes a wide range of software (office, statistics, packages, calculation, etc.), and more can be added upon user request.

Source data for which the project is cleared are available; you can pull them up on your screen or launch a processing.

To preserve data confidentiality, the environment is sealed off and isolated. It is, therefore, not connected to the Internet, and you won’t be able to print or copy any files on a flashdrive.

To import data or export results, specific procedures are strictly followed, namely CASD verifying data files. Regarding exports, data files are checked so the results respect the confidentiality rules decided by the data depositor (Statistical secrecy, fiscal secrecy…).

For more information, please read the CASD user guide.

Software available at CASD

Already available Already available           Option Option            Contact us Contact us

Software Version Standard project Project with PMSI access
Adobe Reader
GeoDa 1.12
Ghostscript 9.10
Git 2.40
GSView 5.0
Gvim 7.1.0
HeidiSQL 11.0
JAGS 4.3.1
Libre Office 7.6
MariaDB 10.4
Matlab R2023
Microsoft Office 2021
MikTeX 2.9.6161
MySQL 6.1
Philcarto 5.7.2
Python (Miniconda) 3.11
Qgis 3.28
R 4.3.1
SAS 9.4 M7
Scilab 6.1.0
Stata MP 17
Tau-Argus 4.2.3
TeXnicCenter 2.0
Visual Studio Code 1.84.2
XLStat 2023

For private projects without access to the PMSI, please contact us.

It is possible to add software within your CASD workspace, depending on the compatibility with the environment.

The Project Leader should contact us, as it is likely that this will involve an additional cost.


To address various needs in terms of processing power, memory speed and capacity, 5 configurations are available:

Capacity Suggested for
2 vCPU, 8 Gb Random Access Memory; 200 Gb disk space data less than 4 Gb and maximum 2 users
3 vCPU, 12 Gb Random Access Memory; 400 Gb disk space data from 4 to 8 Gb and between 2 and 5 users
4 vCPU, 16 Gb Random Access Memory; 600Gb disk space data from 8 to 15 Gb and between 5 and 10 users
6 vCPU, 32 Gb Random Access, 1 Tb disk space data from 15 to 25 Gb and between 10 and 20 users
8 vCPU, 64 Gb Random Access, 1,5 Tb disk space data more than 25 Gb and for more than 20 users

You may ask for an upgrade at any time. However, the project leader must personally request it, and this will most probably require an additional cost (CASD will then send a quotation).