JEI : Young innovative enterprises
Years : 2004-2023, 2004-2022, 2004-2021, 2004-2020, 2004-2019, 2004-2016, 2004-2014
Producer : Central agency for social security organisms (ACOSS)
Authorisation : Comité du Secret Statistique
All employers are required to declare and pay contributions for their employees under the general regime to Urssaf. To do this, they must send a Summary Statement of Contributions (French BRC) on a monthly or quarterly basis (if the company has less than ten employees), as well as a Summary Table (French TR) at the beginning of each year.
The Young Innovative Enterprises (French JEI) data tables concern establishments having declared an exemption amount associated with a type code relating to the "young innovative enterprises" or "young university enterprises" schemes. It presents the number of employees, the amount of contributions due (after any exemption measures have been applied) and the amount of exemption for each establishment.
The scope is limited to establishments in the "private sector", and excludes establishments covered by the agricultural scheme, public administrations, non-market education and health establishments, and employers of home-based employees.
Example of data content for JEI : Young innovative enterprises
Jei 2004 2016
La table JEI_2004_2016 restitue au niveau de chaque établissement les effectifs salariés, les montants d’assiettes des cotisations et contributions (c'est-à-dire les rémunérations), les montants de cotisations et contributions dues (après application éventuelle des mesures d’exonération) et les montants d’exonération.
Projects using this data source (35)
Articles (13)
Other sources in the same theme (123)
Persistent Identifiers (DOI)
Data citation and persistent identifiers (DOI - Digital Object Identifier) for each year.
2004-2023 :
2004-2022 :
2004-2021 :
2004-2020 :
2004-2019 :
2004-2016 :
2004-2014 :