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EAR : The Annual Population Census survey

Years : 2022, 2020, 2019, 2018

Producer : Insee

The Population Census is a key component of an annually updated local information system. Since 2004, the population census has been based on a collection of data spread over 5 years. For communities with less than 10,000 inhabitants, the census is exhaustive and takes place every 5 years. For communities of 10,000 inhabitants and over, the collection is organized each year on a sample of residences drawn from the Directory of Localized Real Estate. The Annual Census Survey (ACS) therefore represents 1/5 of the collection of a census: the ACS data concern 1/5 of the communities with less than 10,000 inhabitants and 8% of the residences in communities with 10,000 inhabitants or more (40% of residences for a census). The ACS data are spread over 4 levels: the housing, the individual, the family and the 2 by 2 links. Each statistical unit has a unique identifier in the different tables. This unique identifier has a common base in the tables which is the "housing" identifier. The different ACS bulletins contain information on the residences of individuals, the year of their arrival in France for people born abroad, their marital status, use of transport, the characteristics of the housing (surface area, date of completion of construction, etc.). The census collection method is hybrid: it can be done by internet or by paper, according to the respondent's choice.

Example of data content for EAR : The Annual Population Census survey