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CARE-I : Survey on the capacities, aids and resources of elderly people – institutions section

Years : 2016

Producer : Ministry of Health (DREES)

The CARE surveys (Survey on the capacities, aids and resources of elderly people) carried out by DREES with the support of the CNSA (French National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy), aim to gain a better understanding of the living conditions of elderly people, their relationships with their families and friends, their difficulties in carrying out certain activities of daily living, and the financial and human assistance they receive to help them to overcome these difficulties. These surveys, which are compulsory, concern people aged 60 or over, regardless of their state of health and where they live, as well as the relatives who provide them with support. CARE-Institutions focuses on elderly people in institutions: living conditions, assistance received by elderly people with a loss of autonomy in residential institutions. It comptises three parts each of whichis aimed at a different audience: a part regarding establishments, a part regarding the elederly person and a part regarding caregivers.

Example of data content for CARE-I : Survey on the capacities, aids and resources of elderly people – institutions section


A version of these data is available at Adisp (Quetelet-Progedo Diffusion) in which more detailed data don't exist.