EPDDC : Survey on non-hazardous waste (large commercial establishments)
Years : 2020, 2016, 2012, 2006
Producer : Insee
Authorisation : Comité du Secret Statistique
This survey which was carried out in 2006 allows us to assess the amounts of non-hazardous waste generated nationally by these establishments and better understand their management. This fulfils France’s obligations under European regulations to supply statistics on waste (information forwarded to Eurostat).
The amount for different categories of waste (cardboard, wood, plastics, glass…) are recorded and methods of disposal of this waste (recycling, energy production, landfill…) are specified.
Example of data content for EPDDC : Survey on non-hazardous waste (large commercial establishments)
Projects using this data source (9)
Articles (1)
Other sources in the same theme (89)
Persistent Identifiers (DOI)
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