ECMO : Survey on labour costs
Years : 2004, 2000, 1996, 1992
Producer : Insee
Authorisation : Comité du Secret Statistique
The Survey on Labour Costs addresses a European request, measuring labour costs per employee and per hour worked, as well as the structure of these costs.
The survey focuses on the volume of work actually performed, and details of charges applied to wages and salaries and, more generally, the expenses incurred by the company for its employees. Harmonized across Europe in terms of concepts and over time, it enables the calculation of a wage cost which can be compared with such costs in other member countries.
The survey covers establishments belonging to companies with at least 10 employees and operating in sections C to K of the NACE revision 1 classification. This scope was extended to sections M, N and O (education, health and social work, community, social and personal services) from 2004, with separate data collection for public hospitals.
Example of data content for ECMO : Survey on labour costs
A version of these data is available at Adisp (Quetelet-Progedo Diffusion) in which more detailed data don't exist.
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Persistent Identifiers (DOI)
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