CAM-PME : Survey on Global value chains of SME
Years : 2016
Producer : Insee
Authorisation : Comité du Secret Statistique
This survey aims at highlighting the fragmentation process developed by companies which lead them to source activities to other companies located in France or to source abroad some activities previously handled in France or even to relocate in France activities previously handled abroad.
This survey is part of an european project "International sourcing and global value chains" coordinated by Eurostat.
The scope of the survey covers small and medium-sized entreprises (SME) and the topics are :
- the number of employees inside the company by activity
- the type of activities outsourced in France
- the type of activities sourced abroard
- the geographical areas hosting international sourcing
- the consequences of international sourcing in terms of jobs lost inside the company
- the reasons for international sourcing ; the obstacles encoutered during a planned and/or done international sourcing
- the type of activities moved from abroard to France
- the type and the location of activities expanded abroad.
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