Back to the list of sources SPI76 : Years : 2020 + - Producer : National Public Health Agency (Santé publique France) Authorisation : Producer Example of data content for SPI76 : Download in csv format Table analyse spi76 casd Evaluation des impacts sanitaires à court et moyen termes de l'incendie des sites des entreprises Lubrizol le 26 septembre 2019 Projects using this data source No project has used this source Articles No publication identified at this time Other sources in the same theme (32) MCO : Medicine, surgery, obstetrics and odontology HAD : Home care SSR : Follow-up and rehabilitative care covers PSY : Psychiatry HYGIE : Information System on Sick Leaves Benefits ESPS-Enquête : Health, Health Care and Insurance Survey ESPS-SNDS-PrestationsFines : Health, Health Care and Insurance Survey - SNDS-PrestationsFines ESPS-SNDS-GrandsPostes : Health, Health Care and Insurance Survey - SNDS-GrandsPostes CMDC : Medical causes of death. CARE-M : Survey on the capacities, aids and resources of elderly people – households section CARE-I : Survey on the capacities, aids and resources of elderly people – institutions section Cohorte Constances et Gazel : Constances and Gazel cohorts Cohorte CKD-REIN : CKD-REIN study ES-H : Establishments and services for people with handicaps SNDS : Data from the National Health Data System Gestion Constances : Constances management EHPA : Residential facilities for the elderly RI-APA-ASH : Individual feedback from personal autonomy allowance and social housing allowance applicants and beneficiaries RPU : Emergency visits summaries CARE-M apparié SNDS : Survey on the capacities, aids and resources of elderly people – households section matched with SNDS data RI-PCH : Individual reporting of Handicap Compensation Benefit applicants and beneficiaries (RI-PCH) CARE-M apparié fiscal-social : matched with data on personal income tax returns (IRPP) (Insee-Drees-Dgfip) and with social data (CNAF, CNAV, CCMSA) CARE-I apparié SNDS : Survey on the capacities, aids and resources of elderly people – institutions section matched with SNDS data CARE-I apparié fiscal-social : Survey on the capacities, aids and resources of elderly people – institutions section matched with data on personal income tax returns (IRPP) (Insee-Drees-Dgfip) and with social data (CNAF, CNAV, CCMSA) EpiCov : National Survey on the Covid 19 Epidemic EHIS : European Health Interview Survey VQS : EHIS DOM : BADIANE : MEDGENLIB4 : Enquête Urgences : ATNM-M : + - Persistent Identifiers (DOI) Data citation and persistent identifiers (DOI - Digital Object Identifier) for each year. 2020 :