FORCE : Program FORCE (Training, Unemployment and Employment)
Years : 2024S2, 2024S1, 2023T2, 2023T1, 2023S2, 2022T4, 2022T3, 2022T2, 2022T1, 2021T4, 2021T3, 2021T2, 2021T1, 2020T4, 2020T1
Producer : Ministry of Labour (DARES)
Authorisation : Comité du Secret Statistique
Statistical matching of the historical files of the employment agency (Pôle Emploi), of Labor force movements survey (DARES), of the BREST files and of the I-MILO file on young people accompanied by local missions.
Projects using this data source (51)
Articles (8)
Other sources in the same theme (2)
Persistent Identifiers (DOI)
Data citation and persistent identifiers (DOI - Digital Object Identifier) for each year.