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DPAE : Pre-employment declaration

Years : 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2016-2017, 2015-2016, 2010-2014, 2004-2009

Producer : Central agency for social security organisms (ACOSS)

All employers are required to declare any hiring of an employee covered by the general Social Security system within eight days before the start of the contract. To do this, they must send a "Declaration prior to hiring" (DPAE) to the Urssaf office of the establishment concerned. This declaration covers six formalities concerning hiring: - the declaration of a first hiring in an establishment, - the request for registration of an employee under the general social security system, - the request for affiliation to the unemployment insurance system, - the request for membership in an occupational health service, - the declaration of hiring the employee to the occupational health service for their compulsory medical check-up, - the list of employees hired for the pre-establishment of the annual declaration of social data (DADS). The data in the declaration prior to hiring source are derived from these declarations. They contain information on establishments (company registration number (SIRET), name or company name, address and APE business activity code), employees hired (social security number, gender, surname, first names, date and place of birth) and the main characteristics of the employment contract (date and time of hiring, type of contract, date of end of fixed-term contract, where applicable)

Example of data content for DPAE : Pre-employment declaration