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Panel_bac : Panel of baccalaureate holders

Years : 2014-2020

Producer : Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (SIES)

The purpose of the SIES panel of 2014 baccalaureate holders is to follow the pathway into higher education of baccalaureate holders from the 2014 intake. It simultaneously follows two cohorts of baccalaureate holders: 1) the 2014 baccalaureate holders from the panel of students from the Department of Assessment, Forecasting and Performance (French DEPP) enrolled in high school from 2007. These are baccalaureate holders who obtained their baccalaureate after seven years of secondary school attendance (middle and high school). 2) a complementary cohort of "late" 2014 baccalaureate holders who may or may not be pursuing studies in higher or secondary education. The cohorts were randomly drawn from baccalaureate files on the basis of educational and age criteria (baccalaureate holders aged 19 and over). This enabled the reconstruction of an overall cohort that is representative of all 2014 baccalaureate holders nationally. The questionnaire focuses on nine themes that are covered each year: current situation regarding studies, education received and level of satisfaction, study conditions, internships, extracurricular activities, health, assessment of the previous year, projects, personal situation (employment, housing, etc.) and parents' situation (employment, marital status). It is also supplemented with thematic modules as the survey progresses. The survey covers metropolitan France and the overseas departments (excluding Mayotte).

Example of data content for Panel_bac : Panel of baccalaureate holders