SINE Auto-entrepreneur : New Enterprises Information System - Self-employment regime
Years : 2018 - vague 2 en 2021, 2018 - situation initiale, 2014 - vague 3 en 2019, 2014 - vague 2 en 2017, 2014 - situation initiale, 2010 - vague 3 en 2015, 2010 - vague 2 en 2013, 2010 - situation initiale
Producer : Insee
Authorisation : Comité du Secret Statistique
The Self-Employment Regime section of the New Enterprises Information System (SINE) was set up in 2010 and concerns companies created under the self-employment regime (micro-entrepreneur, formerly auto-entrepreneur). It follows a sample of newly created businesses over their first 5 years of life. The companies are surveyed a few months after their creation, then 3 and 5 years later. A new cohort is surveyed every 4 years.
As with the "classic" business survey, the New Enterprises Information System - Self-employment regime aims to identify the profile of business creators, to analyze the conditions under which new businesses develop and problems they encounter, and to measure the impact of business creation on the economy. It responds to the request of different organizations responsible for elaborating policies to support new companies and to study company creation. The SINE questionnaire focuses on the conditions for starting a business, evolution of the business activity, type of clientele, evolution of the workforce (hirings, dismissals, casual staff), investments and financing thereof, training and advice after company creation, difficulties encountered by the company.
The scope of the New Enterprises Information System - Self-employment regime covers metropolitan France and the French overseas departments. It concerns the legal market units and excludes agricultural activities as well as rental activities and certain types of non-trading companies. This survey is aimed at self-employed individuals, whether or not they have started their activity, whether they have opted for another regime or whether they have stopped their activity.
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Persistent Identifiers (DOI)
Data citation and persistent identifiers (DOI - Digital Object Identifier) for each year.
2018 - vague 2 en 2021 :
2018 - situation initiale :
2014 - vague 3 en 2019 :
2014 - vague 2 en 2017 :
2014 - situation initiale :
2010 - vague 3 en 2015 :
2010 - vague 2 en 2013 :
2010 - situation initiale :