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MCO : Medicine, surgery, obstetrics and odontology

Years : 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014

Producer : Agency for Information on Hospital Care (ATIH)
Authorisation : Producer

Short-term hospital care, also known as medicine, surgery, obstetrics and odontology (MCO), is divided between the public sector (hospitals) and the private sector (clinics). This activity is subject to systematic collection of administrative, medical and economic information at the end of each patient stay. The primary purpose of this data collection, known as the "Medicalization of information systems program" (PMSI-MCO), is to serve as a basis for the equitable funding of health care institutions. It also feeds the French National Health Data System (SNDS), available to public and private organizations upon request for any work or research of public interest. These data include: - anonymized discharge summaries (RSA) comprising six categories of information (diagnoses, procedures, patient, stay, pricing, establishment); - anonymized billing summaries (RSFA); - external procedures and consultations (ACE); - complementary files: implantable medical devices (DMI), expensive drugs (MED), drugs with temporary authorization for use (ATU) complementary files valued by sector: public (DGF) or private (OQN); - elements of anonymous linkage of information relating to the same patient (regardless of the place and year of hospitalization).

Example of data content for MCO : Medicine, surgery, obstetrics and odontology