ACEMO-Covid : Labor Force Activity and working conditions during the COVID-19 health crisis
Years : 2020-2022
Producer : Ministry of Labour (DARES)
Authorisation : Comité du Secret Statistique
Due to the crisis context caused by the Covid-19 epidemic, DARES (Directorate for Research, Studies and Statistics) has suspended the quarterly ACEMO survey scheduled for early April 2020 and replaced it with a snap survey of around 15 questions on how companies have adapted their workforces as a result of the crisis. Three topics are covered: changes in the workforce and business activity, changes in employment conditions (short-time working, remote working, other situations, and prevention measures implemented.
The survey covers companies with 10 or more employees located in metropolitan France and the French overseas departments (excluding Mayotte). All sectors are covered, with the exception of establishments with the following main activity and legal categories: agriculture, household activities, extra-territorial activities, and public administration and social security organizations. Temporary workers and trainees are excluded from the scope of employees.
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