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BDF : Household Budget survey

Years : 2017, 2011, 2005-2006, 2001, 1995, 1989, 1985, 1979, 1974, 1973

Producer : Insee

The aim of the household budget survey is to put together the entire household accounts: expenditure and resources of households in France (mainland and overseas departments). The study of expenditure is the traditionnal and central purpose of the survey: all household expenditure is recorded, the amount and nature of these expenses, broken down into a classification of about 900 budgetary items. All expenses are covered, including those not associated with the consumption of goods and services (in the sense of the national accounts): taxes and contributions, insurance premiums, major home renovation expenditure, loan repayments.

Example of data content for BDF : Household Budget survey

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A version of these data is available at Adisp (Quetelet-Progedo Diffusion) in which more detailed data don't exist.