RPG : Graphic Parcel Register
Years : 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013
Producer : Single Payment Agency (ASP)
Authorisation : Comité du Secret Statistique
The Graphic Parcel Register is a geographic information system for identifying agricultural parcels. An anonymous version of the Graphic Parcel Register graphic data associated with some of the data declared by the farmers is disseminated. These data provide detailed information on land use and land structures. The Graphic Parcel Register provides information on the location and certain characteristics of the parcels and groups of farmers having filed a declaration for CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) aid. It must be used with caution for analyses of agricultural land (evolution, fragmentation, accessibility, etc.) because the image given by the Graphic Parcel Register is not always accurate: some agricultural areas are missing (areas of farms that do not receive aid, for example); these gaps are not the same from one year to the next (changes in aid, areas not declared for reasons relating to the life of a farm, a development project that was started and then postponed, etc.); the image of a given group may be modified by the farmer even though there is no actual change on the ground. The Graphic Parcel Register covers all French departments as well as the overseas territories of Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin and is updated every year.
Example of data content for RPG : Graphic Parcel Register
Registre Parcellaire Graphique - 2018
Rpg2018 parconst loc d0DD
Fichier départemental (DD étant le numéro du département dans le nom du fichier) du Registre Parcellaire Graphique
Variable Name | Variable Label | Values & Labels |
ROW_ID | Identifiant de la ligne | |
PACAGE | Identifiant pacage | |
NUM_ILOT | Identifiant unique de l’îlot | |
NUM_PARCEL | Identifiant de La parcelle, entier unique sur l’ensemble des données | |
CODE_CULTU | Code culture principale de la parcelle | |
SURF_ADM | Surface en hectares à deux décimales de la parcelle cultivée | |
PRECISION | Précision | |
RECONVER_P | Conversion en terres arables | |
RETOURNMT_ | Déplacement de prairie | |
SEMENCE | Parcelle destinée à la production de semence | |
DEST_ICHN | Destination de la culture pour les demandeurs ICHN (indemnité compensatoire de handicaps naturels) | |
CULTURE_D1 | Code culture dérobée (culture intercalée entre 2 moissons de culture principale) sur la parcelle | |
CULTURE_D2 | Code seconde culture dérobée (culture intercalée entre 2 moissons de culture principale) | |
BIO | Parcelle conduite agronomiquement en bio | |
ENGAGEMENT | Engagement MAEC | |
MARAICHAGE | Culture conduite en maraîchage | |
AGROFOREST | Conduite de la parcelle en agroforesterie | |
DEP_ILOT | Département |
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