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ES-H : Establishments and services for people with handicaps

Years : 2022, 2018, 2014

Producer : Ministry of Health (DREES)

The Establishments and Services - Disability (ES-PH) survey, conducted among all establishments and services for people with disabilities, is a continuation of the ES surveys conducted since 1982. It focuses on their work, the staff working in them, the profile of the people present in these establishments at the time of the survey, as well as the profile of the people who left during the year preceding the survey. We differentiate between establishments for children and adolescents, and those for adults. Concerning the activity of the establishments, it indicates the number of places, the number of staff present on a given date, the number of days open, the number of admissions and discharges during the year, the type of care (boarding, day care, etc.), the client approval and, for the adult establishments, the type of care (accommodation, day activity, etc.). Regarding staff profiles, it provides information such as the year of birth, the main function performed, the year of beginning in the position and the full-time equivalent (FTE). For adults and children and adolescents, the survey provides information on age and gender, pathology, disability, activity and accommodation, date of admission and discharge, activity and accommodation after discharge. It also enables the identification of young people who remain in an institution after the age of 20 under the Creton amendment. The scope of the survey covers metropolitan France and the French Overseas Departments. It includes special education establishments and services for disabled children, sheltered work and vocational training establishments, establishments focused on accommodation for disabled adults and support services which include social support services (SAVS) and medical-social support services (SAMSAH).

Example of data content for ES-H : Establishments and services for people with handicaps


A version of these data is available at Adisp (Quetelet-Progedo Diffusion) in which more detailed data don't exist.