Back to the list of sources FLV : Years : 2022-2023 + - Producer : Insee Authorisation : Comité du Secret Statistique Example of data content for FLV : Download in csv format FLV CASD fichier MENAGE Fichier ménage 2022-2023 FLV CASD fichier INDIVIDU Fichier individu 2022-2023 FLV CASD fichier FORMATION Fichier formation 2022-2023 FLV CASD fichier COMPETENCES Fichier compétences 2022-2023 Projects using this data source No project has used this source Articles No publication identified at this time Other sources in the same theme (34) FQP : Training and vocational skills survey Déclarations 2483 : 2483 declarations concerning professional training DEFIS_entreprises : Survey on employees itineraries and training - employer section FQP-Panel tous salariés : FQP-All Employee Panel matching CIFRE : Industrial Contract for Training through Research APB stat : Post-Baccalaureate Admission application feedback BPBAC : Enrolment in post-baccalaureate courses in high schools Psup'stat : Feedback on the Parcoursup application AGLAE : Scholarship holders in higher education SISE Diplômés Enq26bis : SISE Graduates from institutions other than universities, higher education, engineering, business, arts and culture colleges SISE Inscrits Enq26bis : SISE Enrolments from institutions other than universities, higher education, engineering, business, arts and culture colleges SISE Inscrits Culture : SISE Culture Enrolments SISE Inscrits ENS : SISE ENS Enrolments SISE Diplômés ENS : SISE ENS Graduates SISE Diplômés PRIV : SISE Catholic Establishment Graduates SISE Inscrits PRIV : SISE Catholic Establishment Enrolments SISE Inscrits INGE : SISE Engineering School Enrolments SISE Diplômés INGE : SISE Engineering School Graduates SISE Diplômés MANA : SISE Management School Graduates SISE Inscrits MANA : SISE Management School Enrolments SISE Inscrits UNIV : SISE University Enrolments SISE Diplômés UNIV : SISE University Graduates Enquête 24 : Advanced Technicians Certificate diplomas SISE Diplômés Culture : SISE Culture Graduates Parcoursup brut : Feedback from the Parcoursup Researcher application Panel_bac : Panel of baccalaureate holders Enquête IP : APB brut : Enq Ecoles santé : Enq Ecoles social : Enq Etudiants social : Enq Etudiants santé : SYNTHESE : BSC IRA : + - Persistent Identifiers (DOI) Data citation and persistent identifiers (DOI - Digital Object Identifier) for each year. 2022-2023 :