Years : 2011-2021
Producer : Banque de France
Authorisation : Producer
The Balance sheet data for UCIs (Undertakings for Collective Investment) data present the monthly assets under management in the 11,000 investment funds under French law, based on the aggregated data of 70 balance sheet collections via GFIN and PACIFIC EAI representing these 11,000 funds. The types of funds are the following:
- Equity funds
- Bond funds
- Mixed funds
- Real estate funds
- Other funds (venture funds, employee savings funds, formula funds)
- Money market funds.
Only full balance sheet data are collected (about 95% of total assets). After aggregation and statistical processing, the data are transmitted to the European Central Bank (ECB) in series form. For the ECB, money market funds are integrated into the balance sheet data of Financial and Monetary Institutions (FMIs).
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Persistent Identifiers (DOI)
Data citation and persistent identifiers (DOI - Digital Object Identifier) for each year.
2011-2021 : https://doi.org/10.34724/CASD.635.4353.V1