REP_COVID RG : Covid reports - general social insurance scheme
Years : 2020-2021
Producer : Central agency for social security organisms (ACOSS)
Authorisation : Comité du Secret Statistique
Following the Covid-19 pandemic, and in order to take into account the health restrictions, exceptional measures to support companies' cash flow were put in place by URSSAF. Employers can defer all or part of their employee and employer contributions. The Covid Reports source for employers under the general scheme provides the procedure for deferral of contributions by employers under the general scheme from the March 15th, 2020 deadline. The database contains employer identification information (SIREN, SIRET, main activity), location information (area postcode) and information on contributions (amount of contributions due, amount of deferral, month of due date). Each record corresponds to an employer x month of due date.
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2020-2021 :