Share a new article Identity of the main author CASD Project Code * CASD Project Code * Example of data content for ABAGLYF ACCEFOR ACCITRA ACLONAP ACONDEG ACOPEMP ACQUIFI ACSYGEN ACTIFPA ACTIONS ACTIRED ACTPART ACTRESP ADAIPAC ADIASUB ADMISSI AEPOLOG AETINTE AFICOFI AFPADUL AGGLECO AGGSPAC AGINGHE AGLOFOD AGRENUM AGRILAR AGRIMIC AGRIPOL AGRIPOS AGROENV AIBPIFR AIDDPAC AIDOMAG AIRMENA AJUMPRI AJUSTSA AJUSTWO ALFACTA ALFRADE ALLOFAC ALPAPRO ALVUFIN AMARREE AMENVIR AMOBRES AMPAIRR ANACORU ANCOLSE ANEMQPV ANEVSYS ANFAVIN ANPERFO ANPOTAG ANSESAN ANTICIP APAFITR APARIEN APELTEN APPASUR APPCROI APPRENT APPSISE APREMAS AQRDEDA AREVINT ARISEDU ARTENBR ASECREN ASPALOC ASSOLEM ASSUCHO ASSUVIE ATRAFRA ATTGREN AUROUMA AUTOTAX AUTOTRA AUTTEMP AVITYPO AVOUSUP B0ADLER B0BELLA B0BERLI B0DEFRA B0DELAT B0ERYZH B0GIRAU B0GRAND B0HAVRY B0LEBAR B0LIGON B0NCIET B0SEVES B0TAILL B0ZOGHE B1ACTPA B1ADEME B1BANCA B1BATAI B1BLOCK B1ECONF B1EFENR B1EVALP B1EXTAU B1IMPAC B1INTER B1LICEN B1LOPRO B1NONCO B1OPENB B1POLMO B1STRUC B2A0CEM BACCPRO BAFIPID BAGAGES BANQUE0 BASEINO BATAECO BAWFISA BENERSA BENVCIR BEPSPIL BIENETR BILENER BIOBOIS BIODIVE BIOECOS BIOSOLS BOBRABO BOUROTE BRIDGE5 BROBOTS C2RPOBS CACHOMT CACUPER CAGEPAR CAGSYDU CAHUCOT CAITEC2 CAITTEC CAMBRIO CAMIGRI CAPIHUM CAPITEC CAPORCE CAPTERR CAPTION CAREPAT CARPRIX CARQUOT CASDDGE CASELEC CASOLOM CATCHC0 CDCOMPT CECRERE CEMOBSA CERENLO CERLOGI CERMES3 CERTECE CGSPFRA CHALLOC CHAMARA CHANTEC CHASTRU CHAUFIN CHAURED CHIZEUR CHOCENT CHOCLIM CHOCLOW CHOCREA CHODISC CHOFISC CHOIETU CHOILOC CHOISUP CHOMEMP CHOMPAR CHUSTER CITELAB CITOIEP CLAMOYE CLIMASO CLIMAT0 CLIPZFE COCHASO CODENER COEUREL COFEFRA COIDEMP COINDYE COINOVE COMATRA COMDECH COMEDIC COMELEC COMETEO COMEXIN COMINSO COMINTS COMPARE COMPERN COMPIMP COMPLAI COMPOME COMPPCS COMPREP COMREGU CONCHAC CONCHYL CONCINT CONCRED CONCRIN CONCSAL CONCURH CONDIVI CONDLOG CONEXPO CONFITE CONFLEN CONSADO CONSAUT CONSOEN CONSOGI CONSRSE CONTEMP CONTJEU COOPALT COOVITI COPATER COPORAD COQUALI CORSCAN COTCHOM COTDYEM COTREFH COTSOSA COUFINE COUPROF COURFON COUTRAO COUTRES COUVASS COUVRIS COVIDIA COVISUP CREAENT CREAFRA CRECONT CREERIS CREFSTA CREMPTI CRENBIE CRIMSOC CRISEMP CRITIMI CROICOB CROSBNG CSEDIFI CUMELAN CVIPRIM CVMECO2 CYCLEMP CYCLORI CYCLSAL DAINOSI DEADRIS DECAR50 DECLANA DECOLOI DECOMPO DECPROF DEDETRA DEEPTEC DEFECOT DEFIECO DEFTAEU DEGREST DEMINER DEMOBIF DEMOGEE DEMOGEN DEPEFDT DEPERCO DEPTRAV DEPUBMO DEPULCO DESAGAP DESCREM DESINDU DESORES DETAILE DETDEAD DETECAB DETERSE DETVOLT DEVCOUP DEVIFAC DEVIFIR DEVPREV DGCOSOC DGEINNO DGENANO DIABSUR DIAGEVO DIALSOC DIEXDET DIFDEST DIFGENR DIFIREC DIFPROF DINNOVA DIPLOEV DIPRAMA DIREGOM DIRSESE DISECIT DISPAID DISPIMI DISPOFO DISPSAL DISRACH DISTFIR DISTRIB DITRENI DIVALYS DIVEREX DIVITIC DLARMIP DOCPRIX DOFIMOV DOLGESO DR0PACA DR0PDLL DREALFI DRESEFR DROFACR DSPATIN DTRCHOM DURASPE DYCARPU DYCOBAR DYMIFRA DYMPORT DYNAECO DYNAGRO DYNAM00 DYNAMEX DYNAVAC DYNEXPO DYNFIRM DYPAUVR DYREPAT DYSALEM DYSPALO DYSURVI EASYTEC ECADISA ECAINTE ECAREMU ECAUDIO ECLATPE ECOAGGL ECOJUPE ECOMFRA ECOTECH EDIDEFA EDYPENT EFASCHO EFDYPRO EFECOLI EFEGOSE EFFALAB EFFDISP EFFECOE EFFERSE EFFEXPA EFFHOMM EFFIJIE EFFTECO EFILOTE EFTRAEN EGALCOR EGALPRO EGAPRO2 EGAPROF ELABIND ELABUTI ELASTI2 ELASTIF ELECENT ELVERBI EMBAUCH EMEDIAF EMLOMIG EMOJIES EMORIEN EMPCOLL EMPECSO EMPPOP0 EMPSERP EMPTERR EMPVERT ENCLAVE ENEGOCI ENERDYN ENERMET ENFCONF ENINPER ENIPEAP ENPRICE ENSAE01 ENSAE02 ENSAE03 ENSAE04 ENSAE05 ENSAGSO ENSUPRE ENSYJES ENTCORS ENTENVI ENTFAM0 ENTFRAN ENTRAID ENTRETU ENTRIMP ENTRINT ENTSECU ENVIALI EPARISA EPARSAL EPIDATA EPLOHAB EPOFEPA EPOLOSO EPRAMEF EPTZCLD EQUIDEC EQUIFIN EQUILOF ERINNOM ESPAMIG ESPANUI ESPERVI ESQACTI ESSCODI ESSPRIV ESTIMEF ETALOGE ETALURB ETATQPV ETAXSOM ETEMBRE ETENDOM ETEWI00 ETHNEMP ETRAMOP ETRAREV ETRINVE ETSURAZ ETUDGCI ETUDLOG ETUTRAJ EVADEME EVAFORM EVALBPI EVALIMP EVALSOM EVALTIC EVAMODI EVAPDRH EVASATT EVCONSO EVELERB EVEMPLO EVINCIC EVIRRIG EVMOLOC EVOCOMP EVODESA EVOFICO EVOLEGC EVOLPRO EVORISQ EVREFIS EXCOREL EXERCIC EXLOSAL EXOCHAR EXPAGMO EXPELEC EXPESTI EXPFIRM EXPOCHI EXPOFRA EXTAGLO EXTRADO EXVOLEM F0ALLER F0BESCO F0COVID F0E2CML F0EFOCC F0EPRIC F0ETINC F0ITICO F0MISMA F0PLACE F0PREPA F0RGBFC F0SAVET F1BOITE F1CHOCS F1DCHOM F1FOPRO F1GREST F1RESCO FACHANG FACTFER FACTOPS FACTSAN FAILLFR FAMIEDP FAPECRE FARDHYP FASTANR FECOHOM FEITELO FEMEADO FEMFREP FEMPLVI FEMPTAX FEMSEMA FERTAZO FERTINO FILAICO FILARMO FILIEQU FIMULAG FINCROR FINEXPO FINNENT FINPART FIPENIT FIPU200 FIRMPHA FISCENT FISCPAT FISCREM FISPHIL FISSENA FLEUREC FLEXRIG FLUEMPL FLVENTE FONDECO FONGECI FONPUHO FORCONT FORMEVO FOTERSE FRABLUS FRAGISO FRANGUR FREEMOV FRENCH2 GEDISCO GENIMMI GENLIEN GENREFP GENRTIC GENTRAV GENTRIF GEOAGRI GEOCAP1 GEOCOMM GEODIPE GEOHEAT GEOPEST GES0000 GESAMET GESEBOV GESFOPE GLOBIMP GOLOCIN GOUINFR GOUVINN GOVIENV GRACHOC GREENFI GRENTAX GROUPIF GUERFEM HABEST0 HABIQPV HANDICP HANKFRA HAUTEFO HAUTINN HEBURHO HEMOETU HEMPLOI HERBLAI HETEDIS HETENER HETLAIT HEURTRA HORSPRI HOTAIRB HYDEVUR I00CAOG I00CARD I00CCCS I00CEMK I00CORA I00CVRW I00DATA I00EPLS I00EXUV I00FCNT I00FVAC I00GOLD I00HPBT I00IDCV I00KSIN I00KWAT I00LUNG I00MEPA I00POEY I00POND I00PRDA I00PRIM I00QUID I00REC1 I00RECH I00REWK I00SCAI I00SOIG I00SOME I00SWAD I00TDB1 I00TTOO I00VTLG I01BANA I01FFF1 I02COE1 I02PARK I03CAMA I03CKDR I03VIFO IAENTRE IAGROPE ICDEREL ICRDIPE IFEHOPR IFICARB IGAFSOC IMARTRA IMCOPEI IMHANAQ IMIGREN IMINLOC IMINOFI IMMIGRE IMMINAT IMPADSI IMPAIDE IMPCICE IMPCLIM IMPCOMI IMPCRED IMPCREU IMPECON IMPFIRM IMPIMMI IMPINEG IMPLIEC IMPOFON IMPOPRO IMPOREV IMPORGA IMPPROC IMPREDI IMPREMU IMPSATT IMPSOEC IMPSYSC IMPTECH IMPTELE IMPTEMP IMRECOS IMSATRA IMSECOP IMTETRA IMTISOF INCAPUB INCERMA INCHINO INCYVIE INDIFRE INDPREV INEGDOM INEGENR INELEVA INEMPRO INEPROG INEQSAN INESDAT INESPAF INESREP INETRAV INEUROF INEXPOL INFLADY INFOFIS INFRAFI INGENFI INGEPAT INGESPA ININTER INJUTRA INMARLO INMOSAL INNOCOL INNORSE INNOVEX INOFIRM INOMAPR INOPEJE INOPROD INOVAL2 INOVPIA INREDOA INSALIN INSALSM INSEBPI INSEEIF INTEGIM INTELOG INTENTP INTOUIS INTRENT INTSPEC INTVOIL INVERCO INVESTF INVSTOC IPHARMA IPINNOF IPMEBPI IPOLACE IQUAEMP IRAMEAF IRDES00 IRESINV IRTITEF ISALEXT ISALFRA ISSMENT ITECSET ITLFPLF JEUNIDF JEUNSOL JOBSUST KIMMATO LAIBOVI LAITAOC LAMACOM LAMENTB LECOCHI LEFAREN LEXIMPA LGEOLOG LIBCOMI LICREMP LIJXXIC LINDENT LITOLOG LOCEMPU LOCUSTE LOCZONE LOGELOC LOGESOC LOGNEUF LOGSOPO LONPREC LORIETU LYCODYN MAAPPS1 MAEVEAU MAFRALO MAGRECO MAIRBAT MAJOTAX MALLOGE MALODYN MALOTRA MANAPRO MANEURO MANINOV MANQDIV MARGINT MARGREV MARINNO MARITIM MARLOPO MAROTIN MARSEIL MARSUPA MATRAVE MATSCOL MAUVALO MEDGENA MEDICSO MEFRACT MEGATEN MELOSOC MEMABAN MENFAPO MESIPRO MESOPRE MESPACE MESSAPT MESUPAR METACAP METERRI METHRPG MICRENV MICRONA MIDYPOF MIFAVIF MIFORIE MIGMORI MIGRGEO MINEGEV MINETER MINNOSO MIPEMTP MIPOPIS MIRECOR MISEGRE MISITRA MIXISEG MIXPRIM MOBEEMP MOBIRET MOBISAL MOBPOLE MOBRESI MOBTRAN MOCORIB MODECOF MODTRAL MODYPRO MOECASS MOFAPRE MOFISAR MOGASAF MOGEPRO MOGETRA MONDSAN MONDTEC MONENDY MOPABLO MOPDYSA MOPROMO MORAMET MOREXAG MORORIG MOSAIC0 MOSOPRO MOSOTRA MOTRALO MOTSALA MOUVREP MPROTRA MULFONC MULTIEX MULTIVI MYENLIB NAISINE NATAGES NATURLT NAVITUR NEGCONF NEGODER NEGOFEM NEGOSAL NEGSAPE NENFPEF NESIMBA NETURBA NEWPROD NIREPRO NONCOAC NOREASS NOSELEC NOTECAE NOUVACT NOUVADY NOVABIO NTITPUB NUMEFCO NUMPEXA NUTRILO OBPOSOM OBSMMAC OBSPCRA OBTERSA OFDEMRE OFFCOMP OFFTRAV OFISHEM OFPACIN OFRIMOV OMEGADA OPCOAKT OPCOMOB OPGREMA OPTFISC OQEHPAD ORACCLE ORGAGRI ORGATER ORINOVA P0ACSO1 P0ADOP1 P0ADYS1 P0ALIR1 P0ALIR2 P0ALTA1 P0AMA01 P0APMI1 P0B2GE1 P0BAXT1 P0CAPG1 P0CART1 P0CART2 P0CEMKA P0CREA1 P0CUST1 P0DATA1 P0DIAG1 P0ENGI1 P0ENSA1 P0ENSA2 P0ENSA3 P0ENSA4 P0ENSA5 P0ETTA1 P0EXPE1 P0GERS1 P0HEAL1 P0HERM1 P0HORI1 P0HOSM1 P0HOXC1 P0INTU1 P0IRIS1 P0KANO1 P0KAPP1 P0LEPO1 P0LEPO2 P0MACE1 P0MDTR1 P0MEDI1 P0METH1 P0MPSI1 P0OPUS1 P0PHIL1 P0PKCS1 P0REAL1 P0STAE1 P0STEV1 P0TELE1 P1PRED1 PACLIMA PACOISE PACTSOL PAJEDOM PAPRIPO PARCLOC PARCNAL PARCOUR PAREMOP PARENTA PARINCE PARISEG PARISNY PARPROF PARSANT PARTRAV PASALVA PATRIME PAVIMOY PBASQSA PEFACRE PEINCRO PEMATRA PENAERO PENEHYD PENSEES PEPESMP PERCIMP PERFAGR PERFECO PERFINA PERFIRM PERFMET PERFODU PERFOVI PERIDUR PERMIGR PERSMAR PESTAGR PESTEDD PESTEXP PESTRIV PFEADER PHOSPHO PHYCOVI PHYSURF PHYTOCO PIADEME PINELBR PLALAUD PMECORE PMEFRAN PNRUIMM POFISIN POLEMOB POLENTR POLICOM POLIMMI POLINDS POLMIGR POLNISO POLREGI POLSEC1 POLSOC0 POLSOC1 POLUAIR POMAEMP POPMARS POPRILO POPSUME POREVOL POSOCAG POSTPOL POTAFRI POVIRUR PRACULT PRAFLEX PRAGEST PRARESI PRATAR2 PRATARB PRATECO PRATPRO PRATSYS PRECHOI PREDECH PREDIAB PREFMON PRENOMS PRERISQ PRESFAM PRETVER PREVREC PRILAIT PRINBRE PRIPCIN PRISALA PRIVAEQ PROBLIG PROCOLL PROCRED PRODFIR PRODPER PRODPIF PRODUCO PROELEC PROEPJE PROFILE PROGMAI PROINOV PROJAVE PROMAGE PROMOFE PRUDHOM PUBPRIV QUABANC QUALEMP QUAPRIO QUARECO RAFPR00 RBIPFCP REACOMP REAFEPO REBCATI RECESLT RECONVA RECOUVR RECPAR0 RECRUTE RECSOIN RECUEME REDEFIP REDISAN REDITER REDLOTE REDUPHY REFABIO REFIENT REFISCA REFPARE REFRYTM REFSANT REGDIVE REGINTE REGSTAT REGTRAV REGUIMM REGULSO RELEDEM RELTRAV REMEMBR REMHOFE REMINNO REMSOEA REMUFEM RENDCER RENDSAL RENOMEN RENOVAL REPCOMP REPENVI REPERSO REPPRAT REPRATE REPREFR RESARIS RESHUMA RESIEXP RESILEN RESISTR RESLIMI RESODIS RESTOMA RESTOS0 RETERAG RETRAJE RETSOIN REVAGRI REVINEG REXENOT REXREFS RHINMEU RICAGRI RIGIDIS RIMINOV RIPROST RISATMP RISKISR RISPAYS RISQINC RISQPRO RITRINV RMQSOLS ROBOEMP ROBPODY ROLEBPI ROLEZON ROLIMMO RURAMAP RUSSFAM S0ACTA0 S0AMPRI S0COCLI S0DEMEN S0DEPER S0ECENV S0EHPAD S0ELAN1 S0EVACI S0PASOV S0PECEH S0PHEDR S0PSCE1 S0RISHA S0TRAJI S0ZONAG SAHAQPV SALASAI SALMATL SALSA00 SALTRAJ SAMORIM SATISCA SATRAOR SATRINT SCADIAB SCENGEO SCENREG SCIENTI SDYCOLI SECORES SECPECH SEESTAF SEGCDDI SEGURB0 SELCRIM SELECTU SENAT00 SENTLOC SENTMEN SERECOP SERENIT SHOPERF SIFACAR SILKWAY SINGULA SITSINT SMICANG SOCIENT SOCOVID SOMOSPI SOPRECO SOUTEMP SOUTPRO SOVICTI SPAMARL SPAPEST SPAPRAT SPETRAV SPRIFON STAGPRO STARTUP STATECO STIMPIF STRACOM STRADIV STRATAG STRESSI STRUCTU STRUPRO SUBINNO SUCRE00 SUIVSPA SUPRIVE SURENDE SURVMOR SWEPERF SYSBETT SYSTAPB TAINSER TARECOM TARIFEX TAUIMPO TAXENDI TAXENVI TAXOPTI TAXTECH TECAUTO TECHNIR TECHTRA TECRISQ TELETRA TEMOTRA TEMPLOI TEMPORI TENDMAC TENINNO TERATRA TERLACO TERPOCO TESTISL TEXPROD TGVRESO TIES000 TIFICRI TIPONEG TISASSO TNTRANP TOULOUS TRABRET TRADEMP TRADIGI TRAFRAL TRAGROE TRAHOSP TRAJENT TRAJFAC TRAJMIG TRAJSUL TRAMCEF TRAPREC TRAPROS TRASADU TRASEGU TRASESU TRAVILL TRECIDU TREHAUD TREVPOP TRIBIOD TYMOMAI TYPAGRI TYPOSIS UCACEPO ULTAGRI UNEDIC0 UNURNUM URBRURD VACUPRA VAJIMSO VALEMPL VALPECH VALVERD VARAPPE VENRECO VERTRAN VEUPREM VIDUPRO VILDISP VINEPRO VINESOC VINOTER VISPART VITAEPE VITRAEN VITREAL VOCIENT VOILECO VOISIN0 VOLEMVI VUSOTEM WAPREDY WORK4HE WORKNET ZSMEMNT ZUSIRIS X Name(s) main author * BOSQUET Clément CAHUC Pierre CHARLOT Olivier FONTAINE Idriss GYETVAI Daniel HERVELIN Jérémy LANGOT François MAAREK Paul MALHERBET Franck MENESTRIER Eloïse MOITEAUX Elliot SKLENARD Gabriel SOPRASEUTH Thepthida Other Add Publication / Communication Please fill in below the information relating to publications or communications resulting from your work at CASD Title of publication / communication * Co-authors BOSQUET Clément CAHUC Pierre CHARLOT Olivier FONTAINE Idriss GYETVAI Daniel HERVELIN Jérémy LANGOT François MAAREK Paul MALHERBET Franck MENESTRIER Eloïse MOITEAUX Elliot SKLENARD Gabriel SOPRASEUTH Thepthida Other Add Source(s) used * Bordeaux Aquitaine metropolitan area Urban Planning Agency Labor Force Activity and working conditions during the COVID-19 health crisis Labour force activity and working conditions – survey on company level social dialogue Labour force activity and working conditions – survey on employees profit-sharing, incentive plans, savings plans and share ownership Labour force activity and working conditions – quarterly survey Survey on financial assets Part-time work Brest-Brittany Urban Planning Agency Development and Urban Planning Agency of the Strasburg conurbation Departmental information agency on housing in the Alpes-Maritimes Bouches-du-Rhône Departmental Housing Information Agency Departmental information agency on housing in Charente-Maritime Departmental information agency on housing in the Doubs Drôme Departmental Housing Information Agency Departmental information agency on housing in South Corsica Corsica Departmental Housing Information Agency – Bastia Branch Departmental information agency on housing in the Gard Hérault Departmental Housing Information Agency Departmental Agency for Housing Information of Ille et Vilaine department Departmental information agency on housing in Indre Departmental information agency on housing in the Morbihan Departmental Agency for Housing Information of Nord and Pas de Calais departments Departmental Agency for Housing Information of Orne department Saône-et-Loire Departmental Housing Information Agency Departmental information agency on housing in Haute-Savoie Departmental information agency on housing in Tarn-et-Garonne Departmental information agency on housing in the Var Departmental information agency on housing in the Vendée Departmental Housing Information Agency of Guadeloupe Departmental Housing Information Agency of Reunion Island / Agorah Scholarship holders in higher education Other collective tourist accommodation survey Accompagnement individualisé des jeunes – EN Reduction in social security contributions Statistical file of CAF recipients – semi-final data Statistical file of CAF recipients – final data Environmental protection studies and investments Remontées de l’Application APB – EN Post-Baccalaureate Admission application feedback Aquaculture survey (shellfish farming, marine fish farming, freshwater fish farming) Receipts observation and measurement in the collection industry Associations survey Workplace accidents – Occupational Injuries Enquête Autonomie – volet Individus en Ménages ordinaires – EN Urban Planning Agency for the Tours Region (Agence d’urbanisme de l’Agglomération de Tours) Clermont Métropole Urban Planning and Development Agency Urban planning and development agency Toulouse metropolitan area Atlantique Pyrenees Urban Planning Agency Urban Planning Agency of the Nantes region Grenoble Regional Planning Agency Agricultural benefits Base interadministrative annuelle des ESMS – EN Self-employed database Survey on agricultural practices in watersheds within the “Pure Water for Brittany and Pro-coastline” program Surveys on poultry farms Surveys on cattle livestock farms Surveys on goat livestock farms Surveys on sheep livestock farms Surveys on pig livestock farms Household Budget survey Industrial and commercial profits – all schemes Industrial and commercial profits – normal scheme Industrial and commercial profits – simplified scheme Manpower Requirements Survey Beneficiaries of social Minima Survey Enquête Bénéficiaires de Minima Sociaux appariés aux données issues des déclarations de revenus des personnes physiques aux données sociales et d’emploi – EN Bénéfices non commerciaux – EN Enrolment in post-baccalaureate courses in high schools Contributions summary statements Actual normal profits Base statistique concours IRA – EN All employees databases – business data All employees databases – establishment data All employees databases – job position data All employees databases – employee data Corporate solidarity social contribution Survey on global value chains Survey on Global value chains of SME Survey on the capacities, aids and resources of elderly people – institutions section Survey on the capacities, aids and resources of elderly people – institutions section matched with data on personal income tax returns (IRPP) (Insee-Drees-Dgfip) and with social data (CNAF, CNAV, CCMSA) Survey on the capacities, aids and resources of elderly people – institutions section matched with SNDS data Survey on the capacities, aids and resources of elderly people – households section matched with data on personal income tax returns (IRPP) (Insee-Drees-Dgfip) and with social data (CNAF, CNAV, CCMSA) Survey on the capacities, aids and resources of elderly people – households section matched with SNDS data Statistical file of the national criminal record Statistical file form the processing of Cassiopée, completed cases Country by country reporting Energy saving certificates Survey on the competitiveness of “Business France” and French companies in the global marketplace Contrat d’engagement jeune : données de Pôle emploi et des missions locales – EN Contrat d’engagement jeune – dispositif “Jeunes en rupture” – EN Outlines of profiled enterprises Territorial economic contribution Company Real Estate Contribution Industrial Contract for Training through Research Community Innovation Survey Company restructuring index Local knowledge on company production Local knowledge on establishment production Local knowledge on production systems Opérations avec la clientèle non résidente – Etablissements de Crédit – EN Opérations avec la clientèle résidente – Etablissements de Crédit – EN Opérations avec la clientèle résidente – Organismes de Titrisation et Entreprises d’Investissement – EN Medical causes of death. CKD-REIN study Constances and Gazel cohorts Organisational changes and computerisation Organisational changes and information technologies Survey on the workforce in local authorities and public services Shellfish farming census Retail and Service Company Networks Scope Survey Apprenticeship contracts Additional contribution to corporate income tax Analyse des entités juridiques – EN Contributions of non-employed agricultural workers Labour courts Innovative Skills Survey Business start-ups Creation of establishments Crédits d’impôts pour les entreprises à l’IS – EN Working conditions – Matching to care consumption data Labour conditions – employers section Labour conditions – employees section Working Conditions – Panel Working Conditions – Matching Employees and Employers Unique integration contract Contribution on the added value of companies Victimhood Survey Statistical database of firms collective agreements Instruments de dettes français à l’étranger et étrangers en France – Stocks – EN Déclarations des DDG – Relevé des Transactions Économiques avec des non-résidents (hors assurance) – Historique – EN Déclarations des DDG – Relevé des Transactions Économiques avec des non-résidents (hors assurance) – Depuis 2013 – EN Déclaration 2020 relative à la taxe générale sur les activités polluantes – EN Déclaration 2040 relative aux taxes intérieures de consommation (TIC) sur l’électricité, le gaz naturel et le charbon – EN Déclarations 2069-RCI – EN Déclaration annexe à l’impôt sur les sociétés (formulaire 2065bis) – EN Déclaration d’impôt sur les sociétés simplifiée pour les organismes sans but lucratif – EN Tax aids for over-seas investment for individuals (form 2083) Tax aids for over-seas investment for professional (form 2083) Déclaration de la politique des prix de transfert (formulaire 2257) – EN 2483 declarations concerning professional training 2502 payroll tax declarations Declarations on premises benefiting from a tax advantage (form 2044 EB) Special declarations of property income for individuals (special form 2044) Survey on employees itineraries and training – employer section File of departures of income tax payers European service declaration Emplois et ressources par devises et par pays – Etablissements de Crédit – EN Emplois et ressources par devises et par pays – Organismes de Titrisation et Entreprises d’Investissement – EN Duties on the free transfer of assets Transfer duties – monthly data by department Echanges commerciaux inter DOM et DOM-France métropolitaine en CPF4 Echanges commerciaux inter DOM et DOM-France métropolitaine en NC8 Importations et exportations avec les pays extra-Union européenne en nomenclature de produits CPF4 Importations et exportations avec les pays extra-Union européenne en nomenclature de produits NC8 Pre-employment declaration Dispositif Points de vente – EN Base longitudinale des entreprises et de l’emploi – EN Job for the Future Program Industrial branch annual survey on forest exploitation and primary wood processing Industrial branch annual survey on building stones Enquête sur l’Accès au Crédit – EN Survey on energy consumption in agri-food industry Survey on energy consumption in industries Annual business survey on construction Annual business survey on trade Annual business survey on forestry and sawing Annual business survey on agrifood companies Annual Business Survey on industry Annual business survey on service companies Annual business survey on the transport industry Survey on aerospace and space sector Annual survey on milk Annual production survey Annual survey on electricity production The Annual Population Census survey Annual survey on heating and cooling networks Enquête bimestrielle de conjoncture dans le commerce de gros – EN Civil Registry of Deaths Civil Register – Marriages Civil Register – Births Survey on energy consumption in the construction industry Survey on Energy consumption and antipollution investment in small establishments with fewer than 20 employees Enquête complémentaire sur les échanges internationaux de services – EN Survey on energy consumption in the service industry European Community Households Panel Outlook Survey in the Industry Sector Business Outlook Survey on Investment in Industry Business Outlook Survey on Investment in Industry – focus on CICE Commercialisation of new housing survey Survey on labour costs Surveys on labour costs and wage structure Enquête annuelle sur les créances et dettes commerciales vis-à-vis des non résidents – EN Surveys on economic data outputs in the marine fishing industry Monthly Outlook Survey in Services – focus on CICE Survey on waste and debris from the construction industry Permanent Demographic Sample Time Use Survey Annual Labour Force Survey Continuous Labour Force Survey Other Collective Tourist Accommodation Occupancy Survey Automobile sector survey Survey on hotel industry frequentation Outdoor Accommodation Occupancy Survey Enquête annuelle sur les créances et dettes financières vis-à-vis des non-résidents – EN Survey on family and housing European Health Interview Survey Enquête santé DOM – EN Residential facilities for the elderly Life History and Wealth Survey Cross-scheme sample of contributors Cross-scheme sample of contributors matched with the Permanent Demographic Sample Cross-scheme sample of contributors matched with the INSEE all-workers panel Cross-scheme sample of contributors matched with Pôle Emploi (employment center) data Survey on trade between subsidiaries Inter-Regime Sample of Retirees Cross-scheme sample of pensioners matched with data from the Permanent Demographic Sample panel Cross-scheme sample of pensioners matched with data from personal income tax returns Cross-scheme sample of pensioners matched with data from the all-workers panel Échantillon inter-régimes de retraités apparié avec les données des Remontées individuelles sur les bénéficiaires de l’allocation personnalisée d’autonomie (APA) et de l’aide sociale à l’hébergement (ASH) (RI-APA-ASH) – EN National Housing Survey Longitudinal survey on the integration of newly arrived immigrants (persons granted residence) Conjoncture Bâtiment – EN Conjoncture Industrie – EN Conjoncture Services Marchands – EN Monthly Business Outlook Survey in the Building Industry Monthly Outlook Survey in Retail Trade and Trade and Repair of Motor Vehicles Monthly Outlook Survey in Services Migration Survey relating to overseas departments Monthly Milk Survey Study on means and practices related to intangible asset management Enquête Mobilité des Personnes National Recipients Sample Companies and Sustainable Development Survey Risques liés à l’activité bancaire internationale – EN National cross-scheme sample of supplementary income and minimum social benefits Housing Survey Enquête nationale sur les pratiques physiques et sportives – EN Introductions/Expéditions en classification de produits française CPF4 Enquête sur les écoles de formation aux professions de santé – EN Enquête sur les écoles de formation aux professions sociales – EN Enquête sur les élèves et étudiants en formation aux professions sanitaires – EN Enquête sur les élèves et étudiants en formation aux professions sociales – EN Introductions/Expéditions en nomenclature combinée NC8 Advanced Technicians Certificate diplomas Enquête sur la durée du travail des conducteurs routiers par lecture de chronotachygraphes – EN Enquêtes Insertion Professionnelle des diplômés de l’Université – EN Financial Links between Enterprises Survey Special survey on researchers and engineers of research and development in enterprises Annual survey on the means dedicated to research and development Enquête nationale sur les structures des urgences hospitalières – EN Survey on Resources of Young Adults Transportation Survey Données sur les entrées et sorties des cotisants non salariés du régime agricole – EN Fichier des Retraités Non Salariés du Régime Agricole – EN Fichier des Retraités Salariés du Régime Agricole – EN Observation survey of intermediate consumption costs necessary for farmers Survey on non-hazardous waste (large commercial establishments) Survey on non-hazardous waste (industrial establishments) Survey on non-hazardous waste (services) Retail Outlets Survey Electoral participation survey Survey of small industrial companies National Survey on the Covid 19 Epidemic Survey on building lot prices Urban Planning Agency of the Stéphanoise region Tax income survey Tax and social incomes survey Survey on networks in the service sector Establishments and services for people in social difficulty Establishments and services for people with handicaps Child protection establishments and services Annual sectoral survey Annual sectoral survey – Annual production survey Survey on employment structure Survey on the structure of agricultural production sites Health, Health Care and Insurance Survey Health, Health Care and Insurance Survey – SNDS-GrandsPostes Health, Health Care and Insurance Survey – SNDS-PrestationsFines Wage Structure Survey Aggregated income tax declarations Annual statistical table for monitoring Caf recipients Annual structural statistics of companies from the ESANE scheme Annual structural statistics of companies from the ESANE scheme Antilles – French Guiana Annual structural statistics of companies from the ESEM scheme – Mayotte Annual structural statistics of companies from the ESANE scheme – Réunion Survey on aerospace and space sector of the large Southwest region Sampled file of the income tax File on Central Civil Servants Matching of the job-seekers history file and the Annual Declaration of Social Data Bilans sociaux – Historique Figé de la Centrale de Bilan – EN Bilans sociaux – Descriptifs – EN Bilans Groupes – Normes IFRS – EN Bilans Groupes – Normes françaises – EN Bilans sociaux – Éléments de Bilan (Hors Centrale de Bilan) – EN Fichier de comptes antérieurs à SUSE – EN Annual structural statistics of companies from the SUSE scheme Housing and individual demographic file Fichier Complémentaire à FIDELI – Crédit d’impôt sur la Transition Energétique – EN FILEAS File of Housing by Municipalities Social and fiscal localized incomes Funding Access to finance for the Small and Medium-sized enterprises employing at least 10 persons Local wage and employment register – Companies Local wage and employment register – Establishments Local wage and employment register – Employee Turnover Local wage and employment register – Positions Enquête sur la formation tout au long de la vie – EN Solidarity funds for SMEs Program FORCE (Training, Unemployment and Employment) Enquête auprès des salariés de l’Etat – EN Training and vocational skills survey FQP-All Employee Panel matching Scrap metal and cast iron survey Guarantee GECIR files Enquête Genese – EN Constances management Home care Family History Survey Information System on Sick Leaves Benefits Daily Allowance Information System – company register number correspondence table Daily Allowance Information System – table of beneficiaries’ birth months Insertion par l’activité économique (données administratives) – EN Insertion par l’activité économique (données issues de l’enquête auprès des sortants du dispositif) – EN Données agrégées de bilan des établissements de crédit – EN Survey on the construction cost index and the new housing cost price Capital étranger en france – Stocks – EN Flux d’investissement direct français à l’étranger et étrangers en France – EN Capital français à l’étranger – Stocks – EN Instruments conditionnels achetés et vendus par résidence de contrepartie – Etablissements de Crédit – EN Encours et taux d’intérêt sur encours – EN Flux et taux d’intérêt de nouveaux crédits – EN Immatriculations RSVERO-Fideli – EN Survey: Impact of the health crisis on company organization and business practices. Innovation Newly established non-employed agricultural workers Emploi Intérimaire – EN Spatial comparison survey on price levels between metropolitan France and overseas departments Total community income tax Panel file of taxpayers subject to wealth tax and real estate wealth tax Long panel file of taxpayers subject to the wealth tax and the real estate wealth tax Tax groups of companies for corporate tax Opérations interbancaires avec les établissements de crédit non-résidents – Etablissements de Crédit – EN Opérations interbancaires avec les établissements de crédit résidents – Etablissements de Crédit – EN Opérations interbancaires avec les Entreprises d’Investissement résidentes – EN Inventory of orchards Young innovative enterprises Survey rents and charges Professional tax returns Financial Links between Enterprises Cow’s milk deliveries by producer and purchaser Compulsory Liquidation Data Premises not subject to Company Real Estate Contribution Opérations avec les agents non-résidents – EN Créances cédées – EN Opérations avec la clientèle non résidente EMUM – Etablissements de Crédit – EN Opérations avec la clientèle résidente – EN Recensement des contrats nouveaux – EN Abandons et cessions de créances – EN Dépréciations sur créances douteuses – EN Encours de monnaie électronique – EN Eléments calcul taux intérêt apparents/ dépôts à vue, remboursables, découverts et opérations assimilées – EN Eléments calcul taux intérêts apparents sur encours – EN Taux d’intérêt des contrats nouveaux agrégés – EN Taux d’intérêt des contrats nouveaux par guichet – EN Portefeuille de titres et titres émis – EN Pensions livrées sur titres – EN Opérations des guichets des banques à réseau – EN Situation mensuelle – EN Portefeuille titres (valorisation prix marché) – EN Portefeuille titres (valorisation comptable) – EN Ma Prime Logement Décent : données d’aides à la lutte contre l’habitat indique – EN Agri-environmental measures data from 2000 to 2006 Agri-environmental measures data from 2007 to 2014 Agri-environmental measures data from 2007 to 2014 (GIS format) Agri-environmental and climatic measures data Agri-environmental and climatic measures data (GIS format) MaPrimeAdapt’ (MPA) : données d’aides à l’adaptation des logements – EN MaPrimeRénov’ (MPR) Instruction Locale, dont MaPrimeRénov’ Copro : Données d’aides à la rénovation énergétique MaPrimeRénov’ (MPR) Instruction Nationale : Données d’aides à la rénovation énergétique Union Audience and Representativeness Measure Debt-collection Medicine, surgery, obstetrics and odontology Reasons for retirement Structural modifications 4ème panel d’observation des pratiques et des conditions d’exercice en médecine générale – EN Minima sociaux, droits d’assurance chômage et parcours salariés – EN Labour movements Adult Mortality Acomptes et solde de l’impôt sur les sociétés – EN Survey on raw materials used for the compound feed industry Movement of Receivables CICE Movement of Receivables CIR Family tax credit Movements in receivables Patronage Crédit d’impôt pour la rénovation énergétique des TPE/PME – EN NANO Program Crédits nouveaux aux entreprises (base enrichie de données de la Direction des entreprises) – EN Outward Foreign Affiliates Statistics Rental observatory of Paris conurbation Données de bilans des OPC – EN Survey on observation of prices in industry and services Observatory of recoveries for employment measures Produits dérivés de gré à gré – EN Civil solidarity pact Beneficiaries of the European Rural Development Regulation RDR1 Recipients of the RDR2 European regulation for rural development Beneficiaries of the European Rural Development Regulation RDR3 Panel of the survey on Labour force activity and working conditions Panel Contrats Uniques d’insertion – EN Panel for Annual Declaration of Social Data DADS panel with matched data from EDP Non employees panel Panel of the survey on labour relations and agreement negotiations – All-employee panel All employee panel-EDP Panel Trajam Panel of baccalaureate holders Fichiers annuels de parcs de véhicules routiers RSVERO – EN Feedback from the Parcoursup Researcher application Household Wealth Survey Small agricultural and forestry coops Breeding practices Pensions livrées sur titres et titres prêtés – Etablissements de Crédit – EN Pensions livrées sur titres et titres prêtés – Organismes de Titrisation et Entreprises d’Investissement – EN Tax groups scopes Survey on the performance of homes, equipment, energy needs and uses – homes, occupants and energy expenses characteristics Survey on the performance of homes, equipment, energy needs and uses – energy performance diagnosis Tourist accommodation stock Tree crops phytosanitary treatments Field crop phytosanitary practices Phytosanitary practices on vegetables Wine growing phytosanitary practices Tree crops cultural practices Field crop cultural practices Vegetable cultural practices Grassland cultural practices Wine growing agricultural practices Réduction d’impôt en faveur des PME de croissance (Gazelles) – EN Competitiveness cluster 1 Competitiveness cluster 2 Income tax declarations for tax households (form 2042 and appendices) Survey on aromatic and medicinal plants Marketed production of agri-environmental industries Feedback on the Parcoursup application Psychiatry Long term profit taxation on patents General Agriculture Census Recensement agricole 2020 enrichi des données fiscales et sociales des ménages agricoles – EN Milk references by producer and purchaser of cow’s milk Identification of elements of taxation Covid reports – general social insurance scheme Covid reports – self-employed (SE) workers Warehouses directory Survey on labour relations and agreement negotiations – management representatives section Survey on labour relations and agreement negotiations – staff representatives section Survey on labour relations and agreement negotiations – employees section Comparitive survey matching all employees/employee section panels – RESPONSE Survey of Retail Networks Individual feedback from personal autonomy allowance and social housing allowance applicants and beneficiaries Individual reporting of Handicap Compensation Benefit applicants and beneficiaries (RI-PCH) Agricultural Accounting Information Network Sports Clubs and Licences Census Survey on the accelerated depreciation measure for industrial robots purchase Population Census New Caledonia population census Graphic Parcel Register Emergency visits summaries Contractual termination Data on the effort and production of sea fishing by vessels under the french flag Business Safeguarding Nancy Sud Lorraine Territorial Development Agency Crédit distribué aux entreprises par les banques – EN Information from the monitoring of the private sector wage bill Industry recourse to services Survey on the structure of private woodlots Détention de titres par secteur – France (révisée) – EN Détention de titres par secteur – France (titre à titre) – EN Détention de titres par secteur – France (totaux) – EN System for Information on Civil Servants System for Information on Civil Servants Autorization and compensation requests of partial work New Enterprises Information System New Enterprises Information System – Self-employment regime Online information system for declaring employee secondment Geolocated historical Sirene SISE Culture Graduates SISE Graduates from institutions other than universities, higher education, engineering, business, arts and culture colleges SISE ENS Graduates SISE Engineering School Graduates SISE Management School Graduates SISE Catholic Establishment Graduates SISE University Graduates SISE Culture Enrolments SISE Enrolments from institutions other than universities, higher education, engineering, business, arts and culture colleges SISE ENS Enrolments SISE Engineering School Enrolments SISE Management School Enrolments SISE Catholic Establishment Enrolments SISE University Enrolments System of Information and Automated Processing of Basic Data on Housing and Premises Synthèse activité par opérations et zones géographiques – Etablissements de Crédit – EN Synthèse activité par opérations et zones géographiques – Organismes de Titrisation et Entreprises d’Investissement – EN Survey on the structure of vegetable crop production Data from the National Health Data System Fichier statistique des sortants de prison Enquête sur la sous-traitance dans les entreprises – EN Santé post-incendie 76 : Une étude à l’écoute de votre santé – EN Statistics on Income and Living Conditions Follow-up and rehabilitative care covers Monthly labour market statistics Company inventory Company and establishment inventory Establishment inventory Property Subdivisions Survey on orchard structure Synthèse des effectifs d’étudiants du supérieur – EN Tax on commercial premises Titres de Créances Négociables – EN Survey on Trajectories and Origins Plough Lands Survey Land use Land use TERRUTI-LUCAS Etablissements FIB version 2 – EN Fichier des guichets bancaires – EN Information and Communication Technologies Survey – businesses section Information and Communication Technologies Survey – household section Information and Communication Technologies Survey – very small businesses section Opérations sur titres de transactions, opérations diverses et valeurs immobilisées – Etablissements de Crédit – EN Opérations sur titres de transactions, opérations diverses et valeurs immobilisées – Organismes de Titrisation et Entreprises d’Investissement – EN Portefeuille titres et titres émis – Etablissements de Crédit – EN Portefeuille titres et titres émis – Organismes de Titrisation et Entreprises d’Investissement – EN Business tax Transfer of establishments Survey on energy renovation of individual houses Aggregate VAT reporting data (VAT fiscal data) Detailed VAT reporting data Monthly VAT data Lyon Metropolitan Area Urban Planning Agency Activity breakdown Enquête Vie Quotidienne et Santé – EN Enquête Vécu et ressenti en sécurité Add Discipline * Agronomy / Agriculture / FisheriesConstruction, housing and town-planning(International) BusinessDemography and immigrationLawEnvironment / Ecology /ClimateEconomics Finance (incl. Stock exchange, banking, insurance, taxation, etc.)EnergyPublic policy evaluationGeographyJusticeMarketingWelfarePsychologyIncome, curchasing power, consumptionHealth / medicineOccupational health and safetyEducation sciencePolitical sciencesSociology and cultural studiesTransportLabour market, employment, education (incl. unemployment and compensation) Publication reference / communication Type of publication / communication * Example of data content for BookArticle in the pressBook chapterProceedings of colloquia or equivalentPoster / Conference presentationThesis / HDR Other Add Journal/book/conference title Publisher or organizer Place of edition or place of the event Pages concerned (if applicable) Date of publication or event DOI Year of publication * Did you quote CASD (and mention the Equipex scheme) ? By sending this form, I agree that the information entered may be used to manage the services offered by CASD. Do not complete this box Submit your publication