CNIS seminar: Meeting on official statistics matching on May 28

The Conseil national de l’information statistique (CNIS) is organizing a meeting on individual data matching, which increases the information available by linking data from different sources.

Matching makes it possible to supplement data collection through surveys without increasing the burden on respondents. Legal and ethical frameworks are evolving to take account of these new opportunities and needs, while respecting the main principles of data protection.

CThis meeting will provide an opportunity to report on the progress made and the way in which the official statistical service is building a framework for matches and organizing itself to carry them out; but also to discuss the way in which producers will be able to take advantage of them, with increased quality and security, in complete transparency, around examples of recent projects; and to consider the benefits that stakeholders will be able to draw from them, beyond the official statistical service to which the Résil (for Répertoire statistique des individus et des logements) service is addressed.

This meeting is a follow-up to the one held in January 2022, which illustrated the extent to which individual data matching is a subject for the future of official statistics, and presented the systems currently in place or planned, to address the issues they raise. The aim of this new meeting is to take stock 3 years later.

[Learn more (in french)]