Back to the list of publications Why are internal labor markets active in French business groups? Author : FUMAGALLI C. Date of publication : April 2016Name : Why are internal labor markets active in French business groups?Réf : IZA Discussion Papers SeriesLink : Project (Why) Are industrial groups different? Domestic labor markets and assets in French industrial groups Data provided through CASD (24) BTS-Postes : All employees databases - job position data Panel DADS : Panel for Annual Declaration of Social Data EAE Services : Annual business survey on service companies EAE Commerce : Annual business survey on trade EAE Industrie : Annual Business Survey on industry FARE : Annual structural statistics of companies from the ESANE scheme LIFI : Financial Links between Enterprises EAE IAA : Annual business survey on agrifood companies EAE Transport : Annual business survey on the transport industry FICUS : Annual structural statistics of companies from the SUSE scheme Panel tous salariés : All-employee panel BTS-Entreprises : All employees databases - business data AROME : Receipts observation and measurement in the collection industry BRC : Contributions summary statements ORME : Observatory of recoveries for employment measures SEQUOIA_Assiette : Information from the monitoring of the private sector wage bill BRN : Actual normal profits Enquête LIFI : Financial Links between Enterprises Survey DOM France CPF4 : Echanges commerciaux inter DOM et DOM-France métropolitaine en CPF4 DOM France NC8 : Echanges commerciaux inter DOM et DOM-France métropolitaine en NC8 ENQ NC8 : Introductions/Expéditions en nomenclature combinée NC8 ENQ CPF4 : Introductions/Expéditions en classification de produits française CPF4 DOU CPF4 : Importations et exportations avec les pays extra-Union européenne en nomenclature de produits CPF4 DOU NC8 : Importations et exportations avec les pays extra-Union européenne en nomenclature de produits NC8 + -