Back to the list of publications L'innovation en France peut-elle bénéficier aux salariés peu qualifiés ? Author : FAQUET R.MAS C.ROULLEAU G. Date of publication : May 2020Name : L'innovation en France peut-elle bénéficier aux salariés peu qualifiés ?Réf : Trésor-Éco n° 260 - DG Trésor Link : Project DGT Project Data provided through CASD (161) EEC : Continuous Labour Force Survey BDF : Household Budget survey SRCV : Statistics on Income and Living Conditions ENT : Transportation Survey BTS-Postes : All employees databases - job position data Panel DADS : Panel for Annual Declaration of Social Data Patrimoine : Household Wealth Survey CLAP Entreprises : Local knowledge on company production CLAP Etablissements : Local knowledge on establishment production CLAP Postes : Local knowledge on production systems BTS-Etablissements : All employees databases - establishment data PRODCOM : Marketed production of agri-environmental industries RA : General Agriculture Census EAP : Annual production survey FARE : Annual structural statistics of companies from the ESANE scheme PhytoViti : Wine growing phytosanitary practices LIFI : Financial Links between Enterprises OFATS : Outward Foreign Affiliates Statistics CIS : Community Innovation Survey TIC Entreprises : Information and Communication Technologies Survey - businesses section EAE IAA : Annual business survey on agrifood companies PKGC : Field crop cultural practices PKPrairie : Grassland cultural practices ENL : Housing Survey PKViti : Wine growing agricultural practices RICA : Agricultural Accounting Information Network FICUS : Annual structural statistics of companies from the SUSE scheme PCAF : Small agricultural and forestry coops SINE : New Enterprises Information System ESEA : Survey on the structure of agricultural production sites EACEI : Survey on energy consumption in industries TERUTI-LUCAS : Land use TERRUTI-LUCAS SIASP Postes : System for Information on Civil Servants TERUTI : Land use ECMOSS : Surveys on labour costs and wage structure Panel tous salariés : All-employee panel Antipol : Environmental protection studies and investments CAM : Survey on global value chains FELIN : Sampled file of the income tax ERFS : Tax and social incomes survey FQP : Training and vocational skills survey EAB EXFSRI : Industrial branch annual survey on forest exploitation and primary wood processing Ecopeche : Surveys on economic data outputs in the marine fishing industry MVC_CICE : Movement of Receivables CICE EAES : Survey on aerospace and space sector PKLEG : Vegetable cultural practices BTS-Salariés : All employees databases - employee data ACEMO-DSE : Labour force activity and working conditions - survey on company level social dialogue FIN : Funding ECII : Business Outlook Survey on Investment in Industry Déclarations 2483 : 2483 declarations concerning professional training BRC : Contributions summary statements JEI : Young innovative enterprises PhytoGC : Field crop phytosanitary practices REPONSE_direction : Survey on labour relations and agreement negotiations - management representatives section REPONSE_personnel : Survey on labour relations and agreement negotiations - staff representatives section REPONSE_salariés : Survey on labour relations and agreement negotiations - employees section Rupture conventionnelle : Contractual termination MMO : Labour movements D@ccord : Statistical database of firms collective agreements FILOSOFI : Social and fiscal localized incomes CEP : Outlines of profiled enterprises Créations Entreprises : Business start-ups FH-DADS : Matching of the job-seekers history file and the Annual Declaration of Social Data Phytofruits : Tree crops phytosanitary treatments Associations : Associations survey PHEBUS DPE : Survey on the performance of homes, equipment, energy needs and uses - energy performance diagnosis Allègement des cotisations sociales : Reduction in social security contributions ACEMO-Trimestrielle : Labour force activity and working conditions - quarterly survey ACEMO-PIPA : Labour force activity and working conditions - survey on employees profit-sharing, incentive plans, savings plans and share ownership REI : Identification of elements of taxation Créations Etablissements : Creation of establishments Stocks Entreprises et Etablissements : Company and establishment inventory Stocks Entreprises : Company inventory Stocks Etablissements : Establishment inventory Transferts Etablissements : Transfer of establishments GAR : Guarantee INO : Innovation MCC : Debt-collection CT_Employeurs : Labour conditions - employers section Contrats_apprentissage : Apprenticeship contracts ETAT 1507M : Aggregated income tax declarations EACE IAA : Survey on energy consumption in agri-food industry Panel ACEMO : Panel of the survey on Labour force activity and working conditions SINE Auto-entrepreneur : New Enterprises Information System - Self-employment regime EFL : Survey on family and housing ERF : Tax income survey MPAA : Survey on raw materials used for the compound feed industry CUI : Unique integration contract EA : Job for the Future Program TVA_A21 : Aggregate VAT reporting data (VAT fiscal data) DPAE : Pre-employment declaration Enquête LIFI : Financial Links between Enterprises Survey MVC_CIR : Movement of Receivables CIR ACTPART : Part-time work STMT : Monthly labour market statistics Panel REPONSE : Panel of the survey on labour relations and agreement negotiations - GECIR : GECIR files ECI : Outlook Survey in the Industry Sector CT_Individus : Labour conditions - employees section FIDELI : Housing and individual demographic file PHEBUS CLODE : Survey on the performance of homes, equipment, energy needs and uses - homes, occupants and energy expenses characteristics EPCIA : Observation survey of intermediate consumption costs necessary for farmers Base non salariés : Self-employed database ALLSTAT-FR6 : Statistical file of CAF recipients - final data SINAPSE : Autorization and compensation requests of partial work EMCS : Monthly Outlook Survey in Services DEPARTS_RETOURS : File of departures of income tax payers Déclarations_2044EB : Declarations on premises benefiting from a tax advantage (form 2044 EB) EHVP : Life History and Wealth Survey LIASSES_FISCALES_PRO : Professional tax returns EMCB : Monthly Business Outlook Survey in the Building Industry Déclarations_2044S : Special declarations of property income for individuals (special form 2044) FORCE : Program FORCE (Training, Unemployment and Employment) ENIACRAMS : National cross-scheme sample of supplementary income and minimum social benefits BMS : Beneficiaries of social Minima Survey EIC : Cross-scheme sample of contributors EIR : Inter-Regime Sample of Retirees TVA_mensuelles : Monthly VAT data Enquête R&D Entreprises : Annual survey on the means dedicated to research and development Enquête R&D Entreprises - Volet chercheurs : Special survey on researchers and engineers of research and development in enterprises APB stat : Post-Baccalaureate Admission application feedback BPBAC : Enrolment in post-baccalaureate courses in high schools REP_COVID RG : Covid reports - general social insurance scheme REP_COVID TI : Covid reports - self-employed (SE) workers Psup'stat : Feedback on the Parcoursup application AGLAE : Scholarship holders in higher education SISE Diplômés Enq26bis : SISE Graduates from institutions other than universities, higher education, engineering, business, arts and culture colleges SISE Inscrits Enq26bis : SISE Enrolments from institutions other than universities, higher education, engineering, business, arts and culture colleges SISE Inscrits Culture : SISE Culture Enrolments SISE Inscrits ENS : SISE ENS Enrolments SISE Diplômés ENS : SISE ENS Graduates SISE Diplômés PRIV : SISE Catholic Establishment Graduates SISE Inscrits PRIV : SISE Catholic Establishment Enrolments SISE Inscrits INGE : SISE Engineering School Enrolments SISE Diplômés INGE : SISE Engineering School Graduates SISE Diplômés MANA : SISE Management School Graduates SISE Inscrits MANA : SISE Management School Enrolments SISE Inscrits UNIV : SISE University Enrolments SISE Diplômés UNIV : SISE University Graduates ACEMO-Covid : Labor Force Activity and working conditions during the COVID-19 health crisis BMO : Manpower Requirements Survey Enquête 24 : Advanced Technicians Certificate diplomas SISE Diplômés Culture : SISE Culture Graduates FAS-GSO : Survey on aerospace and space sector of the large Southwest region Impact crise sanitaire : Survey: Impact of the health crisis on company organization and business practices. SIPSI : Online information system for declaring employee secondment TREMI : Survey on energy renovation of individual houses Parcoursup brut : Feedback from the Parcoursup Researcher application MaPrimeRénov' (MPR) Instruction Nationale : MaPrimeRénov' (MPR) Instruction Nationale : Données d'aides à la rénovation énergétique EIC apparié Panel tous actifs : Cross-scheme sample of contributors matched with the INSEE all-workers panel CAM-PME : Survey on Global value chains of SME Enquête IP : Sirene histo : Geolocated historical Sirene ENQ NC8 : Introductions/Expéditions en nomenclature combinée NC8 ENQ CPF4 : Introductions/Expéditions en classification de produits française CPF4 Panel non salariés : Non employees panel MIDAS : DOU CPF4 : Importations et exportations avec les pays extra-Union européenne en nomenclature de produits CPF4 DOU NC8 : Importations et exportations avec les pays extra-Union européenne en nomenclature de produits NC8 MaPrimeRénov' (MPR) Instruction Locale : MaPrimeRénov' (MPR) Instruction Locale, dont MaPrimeRénov' Copro : Données d'aides à la rénovation énergétique + -