Back to the list of publications Le phénomène de non-assurance dans les départements et collectivités d’Outre-mer Author : BANOUN S.COLRAT A.JAGOREL Q.MARS G.PAYET C. Date of publication : January 2021Name : Le phénomène de non-assurance dans les départements et collectivités d’Outre-merRéf : Rapport Inspection générale des finances et Conseil général de l'environnement et du développement durable Link : Project Securisation and improvement of data access for the General Inspectorate of Finance Data provided through CASD (116) EEC : Continuous Labour Force Survey BDF : Household Budget survey EEA : Annual Labour Force Survey BTS-Postes : All employees databases - job position data Panel DADS : Panel for Annual Declaration of Social Data Patrimoine : Household Wealth Survey CLAP Etablissements : Local knowledge on establishment production BTS-Etablissements : All employees databases - establishment data EAP : Annual production survey FARE : Annual structural statistics of companies from the ESANE scheme LIFI : Financial Links between Enterprises TIC Entreprises : Information and Communication Technologies Survey - businesses section ENL : Housing Survey RICA : Agricultural Accounting Information Network FICUS : Annual structural statistics of companies from the SUSE scheme EACEI : Survey on energy consumption in industries SIASP Postes : System for Information on Civil Servants ECMOSS : Surveys on labour costs and wage structure Panel tous salariés : All-employee panel Antipol : Environmental protection studies and investments FELIN : Sampled file of the income tax ERFS : Tax and social incomes survey FIN : Funding JEI : Young innovative enterprises MMO : Labour movements FILOSOFI : Social and fiscal localized incomes CEP : Outlines of profiled enterprises REI : Identification of elements of taxation BRN : Actual normal profits Stocks Entreprises et Etablissements : Company and establishment inventory Stocks Entreprises : Company inventory Stocks Etablissements : Establishment inventory Transferts Etablissements : Transfer of establishments GAR : Guarantee INO : Innovation MCC : Debt-collection SIASP Etablissements : System for Information on Civil Servants EACE IAA : Survey on energy consumption in agri-food industry TIC-TPE : Information and Communication Technologies Survey - very small businesses section TASCOM : Tax on commercial premises ERF : Tax income survey TIC Ménages : Information and Communication Technologies Survey - household section BIC-RS : Industrial and commercial profits - simplified scheme BIC-RN : Industrial and commercial profits - normal scheme PERIM : Tax groups scopes DPAE : Pre-employment declaration Enquête LIFI : Financial Links between Enterprises Survey GECIR : GECIR files ECI : Outlook Survey in the Industry Sector FIDELI : Housing and individual demographic file ECLN : Commercialisation of new housing survey EPCIA : Observation survey of intermediate consumption costs necessary for farmers FARE Antilles-Guyane : Annual structural statistics of companies from the ESANE scheme Antilles – French Guiana FARE Réunion : Annual structural statistics of companies from the ESANE scheme – Réunion Base non salariés : Self-employed database Déclarations 2502 : 2502 payroll tax declarations ALLSTAT-FR6 : Statistical file of CAF recipients - final data FAR6 : Annual statistical table for monitoring Caf recipients BA : Agricultural benefits CFE : Company Real Estate Contribution BIC-IS : Industrial and commercial profits - all schemes ISGROUPE : Tax groups of companies for corporate tax CVAE : Contribution on the added value of companies SINAPSE : Autorization and compensation requests of partial work ECEIPE : Survey on Energy consumption and antipollution investment in small establishments with fewer than 20 employees OPISE : Survey on observation of prices in industry and services ISF-IFI : Panel file of taxpayers subject to wealth tax and real estate wealth tax EMCS : Monthly Outlook Survey in Services POTE : Income tax declarations for tax households (form 2042 and appendices) CBCR : Country by country reporting Déclarations_2044EB : Declarations on premises benefiting from a tax advantage (form 2044 EB) EMCC : Monthly Outlook Survey in Retail Trade and Trade and Repair of Motor Vehicles EHVP : Life History and Wealth Survey TVA_annuel : Detailed VAT reporting data SITADEL : System of Information and Automated Processing of Basic Data on Housing and Premises Subdivisions_foncieres : Property Subdivisions Déclarations_2044S : Special declarations of property income for individuals (special form 2044) FORCE : Program FORCE (Training, Unemployment and Employment) CARE-M : Survey on the capacities, aids and resources of elderly people – households section CARE-I : Survey on the capacities, aids and resources of elderly people – institutions section ES-H : Establishments and services for people with handicaps TVA_mensuelles : Monthly VAT data APB stat : Post-Baccalaureate Admission application feedback SEQUOIA_eff : Information from the monitoring of the number of employees in the private sector REP_COVID RG : Covid reports - general social insurance scheme REP_COVID TI : Covid reports - self-employed (SE) workers Fonds_solidarité : Solidarity funds for SMEs Psup'stat : Feedback on the Parcoursup application AGLAE : Scholarship holders in higher education SISE Inscrits ENS : SISE ENS Enrolments SISE Diplômés ENS : SISE ENS Graduates SISE Diplômés PRIV : SISE Catholic Establishment Graduates SISE Inscrits PRIV : SISE Catholic Establishment Enrolments SISE Inscrits INGE : SISE Engineering School Enrolments SISE Diplômés INGE : SISE Engineering School Graduates SISE Diplômés MANA : SISE Management School Graduates SISE Inscrits MANA : SISE Management School Enrolments SISE Inscrits UNIV : SISE University Enrolments SISE Diplômés UNIV : SISE University Graduates ACEMO-Covid : Labor Force Activity and working conditions during the COVID-19 health crisis CARE-M apparié fiscal-social : matched with data on personal income tax returns (IRPP) (Insee-Drees-Dgfip) and with social data (CNAF, CNAV, CCMSA) CARE-I apparié fiscal-social : Survey on the capacities, aids and resources of elderly people – institutions section matched with data on personal income tax returns (IRPP) (Insee-Drees-Dgfip) and with social data (CNAF, CNAV, CCMSA) Impact crise sanitaire : Survey: Impact of the health crisis on company organization and business practices. MVC_FAM : Family tax credit Parcoursup brut : Feedback from the Parcoursup Researcher application MaPrimeRénov' (MPR) Instruction Nationale : MaPrimeRénov' (MPR) Instruction Nationale : Données d'aides à la rénovation énergétique Enquête IP : VQS : APB brut : ENQ NC8 : Introductions/Expéditions en nomenclature combinée NC8 ENQ CPF4 : Introductions/Expéditions en classification de produits française CPF4 MIDAS : DOU CPF4 : Importations et exportations avec les pays extra-Union européenne en nomenclature de produits CPF4 DOU NC8 : Importations et exportations avec les pays extra-Union européenne en nomenclature de produits NC8 MaPrimeRénov' (MPR) Instruction Locale : MaPrimeRénov' (MPR) Instruction Locale, dont MaPrimeRénov' Copro : Données d'aides à la rénovation énergétique BNC : + -