Back to the list of projects The subjective aspects of wages Conducting the Salsa survey, about the perceived subjectivity of wages Groupe des Écoles Nationales d'Économie et Statistique Members : CHEVALIER Martin, GODECHOT Olivier, GOLLAC Michel, SENIK Claudia Articles (6) Bien ou mal payés ? Salariés du public et du privé jugent leurs salaires Le salaire dépend-il du sexe du supérieur ? Les salaires vus par les salaries Wages, Bonuses and Appropriation of Profit in the Financial Industry, 244 pages (ouvrage) Should We Clash or Should I Go? The Impact of Low Wage and Bad Working Conditions on the Exit–Voice Trade-off Wage Comparisons in and out of the Firm. Evidence from a Matched Employer-Employee French Database Share a new article Data provided through CASD (2) BTS-Postes : All employees databases - job position data Panel DADS : Panel for Annual Declaration of Social Data