The project aims to identify barriers to the zero-interest rate green loan program (EPTZ) by exploiting interactions with home energy retrofit programs, using the TREMI and CEE datasets. More specifically, it will examine how the possibility to claim EPTZ and other subsidies can contribute to explaining the number of loans and the borrowed amount. We aim in particular to implement a regression discontinuity design to study how, in contexts where different program overlap, a discontinuity on subsidy amounts can affect the probability of taking an EPTZ loan and the amount borrowed. To do so, we exploit geographic conditions that determine the eligible subsidy amount. The analysis will allow us to estimate borrowing and investment elasticities and compare them to the implied benefit of the EPTZ program, assessed with different metrics: energy savings (both predicted and realized) and comfort gains.
Subsidies to home energy retrofits: Evaluation of the interactions between the EPTZ, CITE and CEE programs
Data provided through CASD (6)