Under the responsibility of the Prime Minister, the General Commission for Strategy and Foresight (CGSP, also known as France Stratégie) formulates recommendations to the executive power, organizes debates, conducts consultation exercises and conducts ex poste evaluations of public policies. around its four sectoral departments (economy, sustainable and digital development, work, emploment, skills, society and social policies), the evaluation mission is becoming incresingly important. Indeed, in addition to the studies that it carries out on its own initiative, France Stratégie is increasingly mobilized to steer and feed evaluation committees (CICE, CIR, poverty plan, ISF, work orders, Pacte Law, etc.), around microeconomic, macroeconomic and econometric methods.
Commissariat Général à la Stratégie et à la Prospective
Members :
ABBAS Hicham, ALEMAN Christian, ARAMBOUROU Hélène, BAENA Antoine, BAIZ Adam, BATUT Cyprien, BELLE-LARANT François, BELLO Constanza, BEN HASSINE Haithem, BENAHMED Riad, BERTIN Evan, BEZY Thomas, BOEKWA BONKOSI Paola Elise, BOINET Césarine, BOUVART Coline, BOZIO Antoine, BRUNEAU Catherine, CARDOEN Simon, CHERIF Zeineb, COMBIER Charlotte, COTET Elisa, CROFILS Cédric, CROS Mathieu, CUSSET Pierre-Yves, DE KERAUTEM Thomas, DECREMPS Manon, DESTANNE DE BERNIS Xavier, DHERBECOURT Clément, DOAT Ugo, DUBOIS Julien, DUPONT Elena, ELBAZ Acher, EPAULARD Anne, FERRIERE Simon, FLAMAND Jean, FOTSO Ruben, FOURNEL-MERIA Mathias, FREDON Simon, FROCRAIN Philippe, GACHE Florian, GARRIGUE Matthieu, GEORGE Alban, GILLES Christel, GIRARD Hector, GOUT Cyprien, HEYL Eva, JACOB Gabrielle, JOLLY Cécile, JUGE Marie, KHOURY Laura, KRIECHE Naoual, LACHAUX Aymeric, LAGASSE Guillaume, LAHELLEC Loïc, LAVENANT Etienne, LE HIR Boris, LEROUX Gerard, LIN Willy, LOPEZ-FORERO Margarita, MAIGNE Gautier, MARSANT Clément, MARTIN Anouk, MATHIEU Claude, MAVRIDIS Dimitris, MIKAYELYAN Lira, MIMANI Pranav, MONCEF Aabir, MONGBO Marielle, MONTOUT Sylvie, MOURA Sylvain, MOURADIAN Florence, NABOULET Antoine, PERUYERO Clément, PRADA ARANGUREN Ana Gabriela, QUENNESSON Léo, RICHARD Brice, SIGNORELLI Sara, TABARLY Guilhem, VIENNOT Mathilde, WASMER Etienne, WENDENBAUM Adrien, ZAPHA Chloé, ZBALAH Nassim