The All employees database (BTS base Tous salariés) follows on from the “DADS” source and, like it, is derived from administrative sources of company social declarations: DADS, DSN, declarations by individual employers, State payroll files, etc.
It operates on the same principle as the previous systems. The All employees database, which is the subject of major consolidation and auditing work at INSEE, includes in particular a description of all salaried positions in France (excluding Mayotte). It also provides data corresponding to each employee and the companies or administrations to which they belong.
A panel from the BTS is also available, based on a 1/12th sample: the All employees panel, which allows a longitudinal follow-up of employees.
In parallel, INSEE also disseminates data from the Self-employed (base Non-salariés : BNS), which concerns the self-employed from their own administrative sources (declarations to Urssaf and MSA), as well as the Non-salaried panel, on the same principle as the All employees panel.
The aggregation of these data allows for the production of an All Assets panel which will be made available in 2021; it will make it possible to follow the careers of individuals and to analyse the trajectories between salaried and non-salaried employment. The passage through periods of compensated unemployment is also observed in this panel.
A presentation of these sources will be made by INSEE in the autumn.
[Learn more : All Employees database and Self-employed database]