Julia is a programming language that is being adopted by more and more CASD projects.
The next webinar will cover spark in local and cluster mode, and will take place on April 30 from 11:00 to 12:30.
A presentation of DGFiP data is scheduled for Wednesday March 26, 2025 from 2:00 to 4:30 pm.
The IDAN website has just been enriched with testimonials from researchers using the CASD Safe Room to access German IAB data.
The CASD was present as a shared infrastructure, with two other experience feedbacks and a time for exchanges with participants.
CASD is organizing a Data Tech Webinar on February 4, 2025 from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm, to present the parquet storage format and the DuckDB tool
CASD is organizing a special training course on Wednesday March 26, 2025, starting at 2pm (duration: 2h30), led by DGFiP data producers, on tax sources produced from people’s declarations.
Insee is organizing a meeting of the EDP user group on Tuesday April 8, 2025 from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm.
On January 22, CASD presented its services and access arrangements at a seminar on how researchers can access agricultural statistics data.
The Comité du secret statistique (CSS) has published an updated version of the CDAP (Confidential Data Access Portal) User Guide for filing and managing requests for access to confidential data.
GOLD-GENOPHENOMET project relies on genetic data from volunteers in the Constances cohort, made securely available to CASD…
The next edition of the Journées de méthodologie statistique will take place from November 25 to November 27, 2025…
On the agenda were the development of CDAP, which is becoming a central point for all stakeholders, streamlining processes…
Bertrand du Marais was elected as the new Chairman of the CNIS, and Mathilde Godard, a researcher at Paris Dauphine University – PSL, as the new representative of the researchers.
ASD presented its model at “Round Table 2 – Protection of personal data”, which took place on November 28, 2024.
Meta sought an experienced, independent organization to provide data access tools that are convenient for researchers to use…
CESS 2024 was held in Paris from October 15 to 16 on the theme “The agenda beyond GDP: past, present and visions for the future”…
SSM Agriculture is organizing a seminar on researchers’ access to agricultural statistics data, on Tuesday November 26
This France Stratégie report is based in particular on work carried out on the CASD…
This issue includes 2 articles : « Les enjeux de la réplicabilité et de la reproductibilité dans la sociologie quantitative » (written by Lucas Sage) and « Partage des données et protection de la confidentialité : quels nouveaux enjeux pour…
The CASD interface of the CDAP portal continues to be enhanced with a new feature…
The next CESS Conference “The Beyond GDP agenda: past, present, future visions for the future” will be held in Paris on October 15 and 16, 2024.
Replay of the webinar organized by CNIL with CASD on June 25 is online
This international conference dedicated to intelligent metadata was held in Paris on April 11 and 12. Around a hundred participants attended some thirty presentations.
The aim: to build or reinforce initiatives aimed at facilitating access to data and facilitating innovations in data collection and processing.
Relayed by Déontofi.com, the report’s first recommendations include opening up AMF data via CASD.
Direction générale de l’administration et de la fonction publique (DGAFP) has just signed an agreement with CASD to make data available to researchers…
CASD took part in the 11th European Conference on the Quality of Official Statistics (Q2024) organized by Statistics Portugal and Eurostat in Estoril…
The next Conference of European Statistics Stakeholders (CESS) is organized in Paris on October 15 and 16, 2024 by Insee and the Banque de France…
Santé publique France has set up a follow-up program for the active unemployed…
The CASD identified as an intermediate solution for making CNAM data available.
An article on the joint work of Cnil and CASD in drafting these new practical information sheets.
An article published in June 2024 in this issue of the Société Française de Statistique (SFdS).
The CASD is mentioned in an article entitled « Vers la fin du marché carbone dans l’UE ? Pourquoi c’est loin d’être une bonne idée » published on July 12, 2024.
On June 25, CNIL, in partnership with CASD, organized a webinar dedicated to data matching for health research…
CASD’s computing environment is evolving in step with new uses for data processing…
The general meeting of GIP CASD members was held in person at the CASD premises on June 21, 2024.
The month of May saw the update of two important repositories for the secure use of healthcare data.
CASD has developed a secure authentication interface to enhance user comfort…
After the 1st session on May 21, 2024 with Gérard Forgeot and Roddy Caccialupi from the DGFiP (50 participants), a new training session using DGFiP data will be organized in autumn.
An article published in April 2024 in this issue of the Société Française de Statistique (SFdS).
An interview with Anne-Juliette Bessone, head of department and deputy director of Dares, on opening up data to researchers.
Resulting from the work of the Artificial Intelligence Commission, it puts forward 25 recommendations for France to take advantage of the AI technological revolution.
This conference will take place in Chur, Switzerland, from December 2 to 6, 2024. Anyone interested in DDIs is invited to attend and make a presentation. Submissions close on September 2.
The COSMOS conference on metadata organized by INSEE was a great success : over a hundred participants and more than twenty countries represented…
For this videoconference session, 2 speakers from the DGFiP will present corporate tax data to users.
On the agenda this year: an update on the state of the cohorts and recent results, notably concerning liver pathologies, arterial hypertension…
In 2024 and 2025, the DGFiP and CASD are organizing presentation sessions for tax data produced by the DGFiP.
Call for proposals for the Conference of European Statistics Stakeholders (CESS) in Paris, October 15-16, 2024
On April 11 and 12, 2024, Insee and CASD will present their work on metadata exchange.
CASD took part in a round-table discussion on access to education data at this event organized by DEPP, SSM of the French Ministry of Education.
Following the announcement of the 1st results in September 2023, the latest report on the 2023 satisfaction survey is online in the “Useful documents” section (in french).
TikTok will use the CASD technology and services for the purposes of the pilot…
Secure remote access to the highly detailed or sensitive data available at the UKDA (UK Data Archive) is now possible from France…
On France Télévisions, in the issue “Alimentation : à qui profite la hausse des prix ?”, Axelle Arquié of CEPII presents access to confidential data via SDBOX.
CASD took part in the “Improving Accessibility, Harmonisation and Data Linkage in Europe” seminar.
The French Embassy in Germany supports 1 to 3-month mobility to France for doctoral students/post-docs working in Germany.
2023 was marked by a very sharp increase in the activity of our researchers representing an annual increase of almost 15% – a record !
CASD and the Ministerial Statistical Service for Internal Security (SSMSI) have signed an agreement to make individual data available: the Genese (Gender and Security) 2021 survey.
A CASD presentation was given at a meeting of the European Central Bank on December 11, 2023, on the possibilities offered to researchers of making joint use of Banque de France and official statistics data.
To mark the 1st year of their “ESTRADD” partnership for the supply of secure environments, teams from CASD, DREES and DARES got together to discuss the project.
The last general meeting of GIP CASD members took place on December 11, 2023, in the presence of Catherine Gaudy, Jean-Luc Tavernier, Nicole Roth, Christophe Perignon, Olivier De Bandt and Patrick Pintus.
The agenda included CASD news, a presentation of the machine learning algorithm for anonymized output from results files, and other new features under development…
CASD has signed a contract with Meta for the use of secure bubble technology for secure researcher access and processing.
The CASD interface on the CDAP portal gives all CASD users an overview of their current projects
A session presenting the RICA data will take place in early 2024.
CASD presented its secure infrastructure and an application for extracting data from the Système National des Données de Santé (SNDS) at the annual seminar of this network of SNDS data experts, held on November 16.
An amendment to the SREN law was adopted to promote access to administrative data for research purposes…
IDAN (International Data Access Network), which facilitates the use of data by researchers, has now reached a further milestone…
imports-exports@casd.eu address set up in October is the only address to be used for all output and data import requests. It will be dedicated exclusively to handling an average of 27 requests per day.
Paola Tubaro is Director of Research at the CNRS. Trained as an economist, then as a sociologist, she is a member of CREST (ENSAE).
Scores are rising steadily: between 9.2 and 9.4/10 for each of the three CASD services
This will be a presentation by the Insee EDP team and presentations of work using EDP.
CASD presented a paper describing a new tool for checking the output of results files
The COSMOS conference in Paris is a place to define, share, use, and manage smart metadata.
The objective is a guide to the opening and reuse of publicly accessible data. The consultation is open until October 15, 2023.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is currently conducting a CASD research project to assess the potential impact of lung cancer screening in France.
The project was selected as part of the Agence Nationale de la Recherche’s 2023 call for generic projects, and was awarded 5-year funding…
Conclusions and recommendations are expected by the end of the summer.
On the agenda: the growth of CASD’s business and the first advances in its areas of development (including implementation in disconnected mode of Onyxia, automatic secure entry of small scripts…).
This document presents a methodology for matching individual data on identity traits…
By becoming a member of the CASD public interest group, the Banque de France will contribute to its operation and participate in its governance.
Jean-Philippe COTIS was Director General of INSEE in 2010, when the Secure Data Access Center pilot was created.
CASD is cited as a secure access hub offering healthcare data access services.
Together with the Banque de France, the CASD took part in a working group organized by the CEPR on June 15 and 16, dedicated to access to microdata for research.
Its aim is to provide information and gather comments on the new French Nomenclature of Activities (NAF 2025) in force in 2025.
5 years after it came into force, the RGPD is now a powerful data protection tool for the European Union (EU) and its member states, cited as a model internationally…
For several years now, CASD has been making Spark available to users to facilitate distributed processing on large volumes of data.
The IDAN network held a meeting on May 22 with some fifteen researchers to discuss their needs for transnational access to confidential data.
FORS, the Swiss competence center for the social sciences, came to meet the CASD teams to gain a better understanding of its overall operation…
It will take place on June 22, 2023. Find out more about the General Meeting, governance and CASD missions on the Missions page of our website.
With concerns about the environment on the rise, CASD projects in the field of agriculture are gaining in popularity.
Data accessibility policies have made it compulsory for researchers to set up a Data Management Plan…
According to the initial results, overall satisfaction with each service has been maintained and even improved, and the CASD user experience is highly appreciated. A detailed report will be available on our website this summer.
Originally scheduled for March 7, the symposium will now take place on May 10, 2023. It will take place in person and via live video streaming from the CNIS website.
This article, which appeared in the latest issue of Chroniques du Cnis, follows on from the meeting held on January 28, 2022…
These are The Intergenerational Transmission of World War I on Female Labour (V. GAY), Forking paths in empirical studies (G. COQUERET) et Equilibrium Bitcoin Pricing (A.J. MENKVELD et al.)
This September, the Data Governance Act, the first component of the European Data Strategy, will come into force.
CNIL has just reminded two medical research organizations of their legal obligations in the context of their processing of health data.
This network that CASD coordinates is organizing this seminar with researchers to discuss next steps to facilitate the use of administrative data from different countries. If you are interested, contact us by sending an email to service@casd.eu.
CASD will be present on the INSEE stand during this event which will take place from April 12 to 14 at the Palais des Congrès in Paris.
Roxane SILBERMAN, Scientific Director of the CASD, has been elected President of the European Statistical Advisory Committee (ESAC), one of the governance bodies of the European Statistical System and Eurostat.
The public consultation to prepare the 2024-2028 program has just been opened…
Participants are strongly encouraged to consider submitting an abstract. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 10 March 2023
Health is and will continue to be an essential subject for scientific research, both from a medical point of view and for the evaluation of public policies.
When CASD was created within INSEE, it was requested that this new secure system allow access from European Union and EFTA countries to the data…
CASD and Insee are organising a presentation session on the All Employees Database in early December.
A follow-up to the 2017 report of the Commission on Evidence-Based Policy Making that highlighted the difficulties…
The 2nd call for projects “Autonomy: aging and disability situations” has been launched: an information webinar will be held on February 16, 2023 on how to mobilize the allocated funds.
4 members of the institute were received on December 12, 13 and 14 for a study visit on anonymization techniques and the CASD’s confidential data secure access device.
This conference will invite reflection on the need for innovation that official statistics must meet in order to guarantee the independence
This book gathers the contributions of the speakers, including the director of the CASD, of the Cour des Comptes/CNRS/INRIA colloquium “Scientific research and public action – The digital sciences”.
An interview with Thierry Bedoin, DG of the Banque de France’s Information System, on the availability of the Bank’s data on the CASD
The CASD thanks the DREES and the DARES for the trust they have placed in us.
Following the signature of an agreement between the CASD and the Direction Générale des Douanes et des Droits Indirects (DGDDI), the data from the Customs administration are now available.
The partner secure centers have scheduled a discussion next spring with about 20 researchers and a meeting in the fall of 2023 about expanding the network to other partners in the European Union.
It will take place on December 13, 2022. More information on the General Assembly, governance and missions of CASD on our website.
INSEE’s project for a statistical directory of individuals and dwellings, RESIL, will make it easier for public statistics to match administrative data in particular.
The director of the CASD presented the CASD: governance and security of data for research and statistical purposes in the national and European context at this INSEE seminar on November 15.
During this next session of the PROGEDO-Loire seminar (distance learning possible), Lionel PROUTEAU will present the BTS and the INSEE Association Survey, he will also talk about the CASD system.
The representatives of each data depositor meet to discuss the CASD’s activities (projects, operation of the service, feedback from users, etc.)
A roundtable discussion at the Conference of European Statistics Stakeholders (CESS) on 20-21 October in Rome
On the agenda were the implementation of Onyxia, the issue of large platform data under the constraints of the Data Service Act and the ongoing work on the cost model at the CASD.
Since September 2022, the portal has offered a CASD interface in addition to the modules of the Statistical Confidentiality Committee, the ATIH and the SNDS.
Charles DE LA VERPILLIERE, Honorary State Councillor, has just been appointed Chairman of the Comité du secret statistique.
For the 10th anniversary of the Constances cohort, this meeting will review the results grouped by major research themes.
It invites researchers to submit an abstract on one of the many themes or on methodological issues.
Important issues for official statistics and research, notably on the mobilisation of private data.
The use of social protection, the diversity of business models and workers’ status, discrimination… will be some of the issues discussed.
The Government presented the first results of the cloud strategy implemented in 2021 and announced five new measures to support this ecosystem.
MiDAS is a matching system that makes it possible to reconstruct the professional trajectories of recipients of unemployment insurance and minimum social benefits.
VTL is a new language intended to be directly usable by statisticians to specify, and thus document, validation rules and logical transformations on data.
The Non-Salaried Panel is a new statistical source, constituted from the annual non-salaried bases, which are based in particular on the social declarations of the self-employed…
Search engines, video sharing platforms and social networks generate huge amounts of data…
Organised by the CASD on 7 June 2022 and attended by 60 users, it provided an opportunity for lively discussions with Pierre LAMARCHE, Head of the Housing Division at the DSDS of INSEE.
On 30 May 2022, the European Union adopted the Data Governance Act (DGA) regulation, which governs the re-use of data held by public administrations. Operational implementation is expected by September 2023.
This June issue has just been published, and will deal in particular with the future European Health Data Space…
After the success of the previous session, a training session on FIDELI data is scheduled for 7 June from 2 to 5 pm, entirely online.
CREST and INSERM are working on a project to build an algorithm for sudden death in adults…
It will take place on 23 June 2022. More information on the General Assembly, governance and missions of the CASD on our website.
The delegation was particularly interested in the technical aspects of the CASD’s secure remote access facility…
Administrative and statistical databases, resulting from surveys or information systems operated by the SIES-MESRI are now open to research.
La session de présentation des données FIDELI aura lieu de 14h00 à 17h00 en visioconférence.
The colloquium aims to highlight illustrations of original and new longitudinal data over the last few years and to question current or potential statistical developments.
The theme of the 2022 edition of this international conference will be “Data by Design: Building a Sustainable Data Culture”.
It will celebrate the 15th anniversary of the Franco-German call in humanities and social sciences ANR-DFG.
Organised by INSEE, the presentation focused on secure matching of personal data for research.
Data from the Direction générale des douanes et des droits indirects (DGDDI) will soon be available on the CASD.
The Banque de France and CASD have signed a partnership agreement for the provision of Banque de France data on the CASD.
The first presentation session of Insee Entreprises data (in particular FARE FICUS data) took place on Friday 11 March 2022.
The CASD presented its secure infrastructure at this seminar on quantitative data and methods in the humanities and social sciences on 14 March.
The discussions focused, among other things, on the use of private data sources by researchers and the strategy to be adopted in the context of the Data Act,…
The CASD Director was present on 25 March along with other European and American participants for this round table on platform data for research.
A collaboration between the InSHS and the CNRS data protection department, it provides answers to questions that may arise when personal data is processed for research purposes.
A partnership with the start-up New Space Prométhée will make available a service offering data from satellite imagery.
Topics covered in this 28th issue published in February: House Prices and HICP, OECD Statistical Services, Health Data Hub, Demographic Review…
The first edition of the annual Privacy Research Day is organized by the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL) that brings together experts around the world to present their results in privacy and data protection research.
The mobilisation and matching of administrative data has long been much more advanced in countries whose official statistics were originally based on these sources.
The CNIL has published a series of practical information sheets for the compliance of any research processing.
ENIACRAMS a matching of multiple sources of administrative data on beneficiaries or former beneficiaries of social minima and activity income.
The Public Statistics Authority (PSA) has endorsed this choice, stating that the CASD is an essential tool for researchers to access data on individuals and households.
The IDAN network continues to set up remote access points to confidential data in partner secure centres.
The CASD DPO has joined this association, which promotes the profession of data protection expert and consolidates it through certification.
For all new projects and those for which the manager has requested it. Java integration, performance improvement: the new features of the 17.
At the beginning of 2022, the entire CASD team wishes you all the best.
The 2022 edition of the “sandbox” call for projects has been launched by the CNIL with, this year, digital education as the theme.
The videos of this meeting on the theme “Individual data matching: between rich statistical information and privacy” are online.
A team of journalists from the programme carried out the procedures for accessing health data and filmed the CASD enrolment session. To be found in the last issue broadcast on 13/01/2022 and available in replay on France.tv.
INSEE will organise the 14th edition of the Journées de Méthodologie Statistique from 29 to 31 March 2022 in Paris (UIC-P, 16 rue Jean Rey 75015 Paris).
The meeting focused on the ongoing discussions at ONS (UK National Statistical Office) to allow secure remote access to their data from partners’ Safe Rooms.
The Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) are launching the 16th edition of the Franco-German call for projects in humanities and social sciences.
During this online event dedicated to the Constances cohort, it was indicated that the CASD, thanks to its reinforced security, certifications and approvals, provides very “reassuring” guarantees for the volunteers of the cohort.
The Banque de France and the CASD have just signed a partnership agreement to make Banque de France data available on the CASD.
The Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (Cnil) has just published a detailed set of security requirements for health data warehouses.
The report includes a review of the current situation and recommendations for improving compliance with the principles of the Code of Practice.
The meeting provides an overview of some recent schemes and the issues they raise on matching practices.
Bpifrance wishes to continue its policy of opening up its data while simplifying the process of accessing them.
Administrative sources that can be matched with each other and with surveys are a very rich resource…
The director, the DPO and the RSSI of the CASD will give a presentation on ISO 27701 (the CASD is the first French organisation to be certified) during this meeting which will take place on 4 November.
The DPO and the Security Manager of the CASD have successfully passed the “ISO 27701 Lead Implementer” certification exam with the mention “Advanced”.
These new data sources are already available on the CASD. See the “Data” page.
The CASD user guide, which contains all the information you need to understand the CASD security environment, has been updated. Please consult it on the CASD website (see footer).
Representatives of each data depositor meet with the CASD to discuss subjects related to the CASD’s activities (projects, operation of the service, feedback from users, etc.)
Studies on these topics can be based on the ParcourSup data available on the CASD.
France Stratégie launches a call for research projects on the quantitative impact of minimum wage levels and increases on employment for the French case.
Datastorm presents at ENSAE Paris three successful experiences of synergies between academic research and corporate data projects.
The IEF is launching its annual call for research projects. It proposes to fund 15 projects, up to €10,000 each, in 6 themes. Deadline for submission: 15 October 2021.
It will highlight feedback on the use of the ISO 27000 series of standards…
In a session on 15 July, dedicated to the development of secure remote access to confidential data, Roxane Silberman presented the French experience of CASD and its international developments.
CASD is included as infrastructure in France’s AI strategy presented to the European Commission.
The decree n° 2021-959 published on 20/07/2021 allows access to the data of this fund for statistical or scientific research purposes.
The publication of this circular on 9 July is an essential lever for the digital transformation of the State and the territories.
In this sixth edition, the Courrier des statistiques explores four sources, two methods and one institution.
The overall volume of data is of the order of a hundred terabytes which will be processed on a CASD computing cluster.
80 million insured persons and 7 billion pieces of information are contained in the information system of the RGCU…
ATIH is now offering an open access version of ScanCovid, its tool for visualising Covid-19 patient stays, designed to provide better knowledge of the epidemic.
This regular review solicits the opinion of researchers on the conditions of access to data, their interest and relevance and the documentation disseminated.
Roxane SILBERMAN was appointed as a member of ESAC by the European Commission on 3 May. ESAC is one of the governance bodies of the European Statistical System and Eurostat.
The Director of the CASD was invited to a meeting of the IRC working group on the hosting and use of health data on 10 May.
Launched by DREES and its partners, it deals with themes that have not yet been fully addressed by research.
Faster, it still ensures end-to-end security of data access via the central infrastructure of the CASD…
The Pôle de service de l’action régionale ” Études Économiques Régionales ” (Psar EER) of INSEE’s Occitanie regional directorate…
According to the first results, despite the pandemic, overall satisfaction per service is improving. Detailed report to be found on our website in July.
In the first episode, dated 11 February 2021, they interviewed Shane Redman, Senior Data Project Manager at ICPSR.
CASD now integrates data from the Ministry of Justice relating to offences and their judicial responses, taken from the CASSIOPEE application.
3 articles were published by Marcel GOLDBERG and Marie ZINS (INSERM/Constances) in the March issue
Detailed data (age, gender, etc.) on sports licences and the national sociological survey on sports practices are available on the CASD.
An article by Remy MARQUIER, Data Protection Officer and data protection expert at CASD.
Within this framework, the CASD is publishing a list of highly detailed data sources that may be particularly useful for research on the Covid-19 pandemic.
ESCoE Economic Measurement Webinar, February 25: A study on the effects of government measures against the Covid-19 pandemic on mental health.
“Sars-Cov2 was probably in circulation in France as early as November 2019. This is what the retrospective analysis of the data from the Bio-banque de Constance shows.
The session “Data reuse and sharing” is part of the programme of the International Conference New Techniques and Technologies for Official Statistics (NTTS) organised online by Eurostat on 9, 10 and 11 March …
Organised on 25 and 26 March by GESIS and Eurostat: numerous presentations of research work using European micro-data and an opportunity for methodological discussions on the data with Eurostat.
In 2021, CNIL has just launched a call for projects to complete its actions in favour of innovation.
After having been successfully audited by Bureau Veritas, CASD obtained 27701 certification on July 23, 2020.
The CASD Director spoke at the round table of feedback on the implementation of ISO27701 organised by the Club 27001.
The last meeting of the IDAN network that aims to facilitate such transnational access was held on January 19th.
This directory, which is freely accessible to all users within a given project environment, has been updated…
This Call for Expression of Interest aims to accelerate research by implementing research programmes based on data collection and sharing.
2020 has obviously been a complicated year for all of us, a year during which the entire CASD team has mobilised to enable the continuity of access to data…
The Court of Auditors and the CNRS are organizing their first scientific colloquium, on the theme “Scientific research and public action – Digital sciences”, on December 8.
This agreement covers the construction and provision of a data file on the employment, unemployment and training trajectories of job seekers (FORCE).
CASD suggests that you fill in your publications or communications produced in 2020 with the producer data available at CASD. To indicate your publications, go to our website.
K’RMéS, an information day on statistical metadata, the RMéS repository and associated tools, took place on October 14th, in virtual form.
The CASD has set up a remote enrolment by videoconference for the awareness and information of users.
The signature of this agreement will make the “Elipa 2” survey available…
By order of the Vice-President of the Council of State dated July 15, 2020, Mr. François Weil, State Councillor, was appointed Chairman of the Statistical Secrecy Committee, replacing Mr. Jean-Eric Schoettl.
Around thirty volunteers from the Constance Cohort, who have been working together as an association since June 2020, attended a videoconference presentation on how the CASD and the SD-box work.
CASD has purchased Tesla T4 GPGPU cards. They should allow drastic acceleration of Deep Learning training and inference, Machine Learning, or data analysis processing.
Due to the Coronavirus epidemic currently affecting France, CASD immediately implemented preventive measures with the aim of ensuring the continuity of your business.
It will meet starting at 2:30 p.m. to take stock of the surveys produced and the use of administrative databases on the theme of pensions. [Registration & Agenda].
An article stating the need to use trusted third parties to verify the results of studies based on confidential data.
The CASD Director was auditioned on September 24 by the mission on data and source code policy led by Mr. Eric Bothorel, Member of Parliament.
A 20-year anniversary conference of the Canadian Network of Research Data Centres (CRDCN) in cooperation with Statistics Canada from October 1 to 28
The CASD is implementing a new biometric authentication procedure to improve the connection speed of its users from the SD-Box
With the Covid-19 pandemic, clinical and epidemiological data have obviously been in the front line with, in particular, investigations launched in collaboration with large cohorts including Constances, hosted at the CASD. To measure the social and economic impact of the…
The Constance Cohort consists of a random sample of more than 200,000 volunteers between the ages of 18 and 69 at the time of their inclusion in the cohort, whose structure is proportional to the population for sex, age and…
An article on the Australian government’s policy changes on its sensitive data.
Training to support 6 national statistical institutes in opening up their data to research was organised.
Statup is the ENSAE entrepreneurship club which aims to promote innovation and entrepreneurship at ENSAE and on the Saclay plateau.
Bpifrance has just published a report on one of its business financing support schemes produced by two economists on the CASD.
Jean-Luc Tavernier, Director General of INSEE, spoke at the OECD on 25 June to present access to microdata in France.
The ministerial statistical service of Justice has opened the statistical source of the criminal record to research.
Interview with Jamal ATIF, Professor at Dauphine – PSL, Deputy Scientific Director of the PRAIRIE Institute.
Following the call for expressions of interest, 3 projects were selected. The data will be made available via the CASD.
The activity of official statistics in 2019, the international context and compliance with good practice in European statistics and the assessment and outlook for ESL issues are detailed.
His interview and the dossier produced by Le Monde can be found here (in french).
Data from the APB and Parcoursup applications will be available from June on the CASD.
By choosing LibreOffice as their office suite, researchers can reduce the monthly cost of their next project subscription.
Wherever workplaces were closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the problem of access to confidential data immediately arose…
Within the framework of the IDAN network, the CASD and the German research center FDZ have jointly published this report.
The Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés (CNIL) presents its control strategy for the coming year…
To answer the many questions raised by the epidemic caused by Covid-19, calls for projects are being launched in France for scientific communities in various fields and with accelerated procedures.
The statistical services of the ministries in charge of labour and the environment have opened access to their data to North America.
This seminar was an opportunity for the CASD to present secure remote access.
Antoine Bozio, Director of the IPP, and the CASD will give a presentation at this information day…
Citing the data used for research is just as important as citing bibliographic references…
CASD and Drees have just signed an agreement for the provision of data relating to health and social protection.
It is also an opportunity to wish great success to the many innovative projects carried out using French data…
The Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI) is looking for research projects around Parcoursup.
In this webinar, we explain which datasets are available and how researchers can gain access to these rich resources.
CASD has been certified according to the french health data hosting certification.
Members of the International Data Access Network (IDAN) met in Palaiseau.
The article “Technology Boom, Labor Reallocation, and Human Capital Depreciation” has been certified by the cascad certification agency on CASD environment.
As every year, CASD offers researchers the opportunity to provide information on publications or communications produced in 2019.
CASD has been certified according to the international information security management standard ISO 27001.
Antoine BOZIO highlights in particular the transformative impact of access to the new data made available by the DGFiP.
This first report comes one year after the launch of the major renovation of capital taxation before a multi-year evaluation.
Esther DUFLO, Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is being honored…
The CASD exploits the possibilities offered by several public blockchains…
A project led by HEC and Dauphine will focus on the link between business strategies (mergers and acquisitions) and employee health.
The work of researchers conducted in research centres abroad on French data has increased.
Lars Vilhuber (Cornell University) is Data Editor at the American Economic Association.
The CASD Director met with the Spanish Financial Accountability Authority (AIReF).
Gabrielle FACK, professor at the University of Paris Dauphine and Jérôme DEAUVIEAU, professor at the Ecole Normale Supérieure, are appointed.
CASD and Inserm have signed a framework partnership agreement for the secure hosting, processing and provision of cohort data.
This is the question mark title of the next meeting, on 3 October from 9:30 to 12:30 am, of the Public Services Commission of the CNIS…
The CNIL is launching a public consultation with researchers on data processing for scientific research purposes.
The CSS provides you with an application on the CDAP portal that allows you to submit and manage online requests for access to confidential data.
CASD was cited in The New York Times as an example of a secure infrastructure for accessing detailed data.
While the question of the reproducibility of research results is at the forefront, certification has just been the subject of an article in Science.
The CASD website provides researchers with the opportunity to access a description of available data sources.
CASD and the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation have signed an agreement for the next availability of data on CIFRE.
It will be an opportunity to make an initial assessment of the six months of existence of the new structure.
Jean-Pierre Le Gléau’s book, the first book entirely dedicated to this subject, has just been published.
The 2018 databases of the Medical Information Systems Program (MISP) are now available on the CASD.
An agreement has just been signed between CASD, the National Health Insurance Fund and the start-up Sêmeia.
To meet the ever-increasing needs of our users, two additional configurations are now available.
cascad and CASD are partnering to offer an innovative solution to demonstrate the reproducibility of research on confidential data.
The conference organised by CASD and the German Institute for Employment Research (IAB) took place on 28 and 29 March.
This platform will allow the filing and follow-up of requests for access to detailed data falling within the competence of the Secret Committee.
France Stratégie conducted a study to situate France in terms of the production of public policy impact assessments in relation to six comparable countries.
New year, new future: the creation of the public interest group (GIP) CASD was published in journal officiel du 29 décembre 2018.
Data from the Caisse Nationale d’Allocations Familiales are now available from the CASD.
As every year, CASD invites you to provide information on your publications or communications produced in 2018.
“On the privacy conscientious use of mobile phone data”, par Yves Alexandre de Montjoye et al. est paru dans la revue Nature en décembre 2018.
As part of the “Artificial Intelligence (AI)” plan announced by the President of the Republic, the State wishes to support the launch of “AI Challenges”.
In order to improve the accessibility of visually impaired people to the CASD, the device has been adapted to allow voice synthesis of the information displayed within the secure environment.
The CASD has installed its IT infrastructure in the controlled enclosure of a high security centre specifically reserved for it.
November 29, 2018 : Presentation of the Fidéli-Nautile database to INSEE
December 6, 2018 : The French sociology journal is organizing a round table discussion in the Goguel room on issues of access to web and media data.
Conference on Secure French & German Employment Data on 28 & 29 March 2019
To follow the progress of the IDAN project and obtain information on the opening of access points and data availability, visit https://idan.network/
The prefiguration report of the “Health Data Hub” was transmitted to the Minister of Solidarities and Health, Agnès BUZYN, and the Secretary of State for Digital, Mounir MAHJOUBI.
The HYGIE source of GIP-IRDES allows the analysis of work stoppages and their compensation.
To answer these questions, we have designed new functionalities on our website to present the work carried out on the CASD according to the following three axes: – project descriptions, – the data sources used, – and the publications produced.…
1st October 2018 : Opening for submission for the first CASD / IAB Conference on the advances in social sciences using administrative and survey data. 30 October 2018 : Deadline for submission
At its offices in Palaiseau on 11 September 2018, CASD held a day dedicated to French and German employee /employer data with the participation of INSEE and IAB (Institute for Employment Research at the German Federal Employment Agency). Over 60 participants attended a very detailed presentation of the Annual Declarations of Social Data (DADS).
As part of the IDAN project related to cooperation between secure centres, access points are now being set up at GESIS and UKDS.
CASD has organized, in collaboration with INSEE and IAB, a day dedicated to employee / employer data on Tuesday, 11 September 2018.
SAVE THE DATE_Advances in Social Sciences Using Administrative and Survey Data
First French-German conference on research based on confidential administrative and survey data
March 28-29, 2019, Paris, France
The 2018 satisfaction survey was conducted at the end of the first quarter with a two-part questionnaire.
A digital identity that captures and verifies researcher-specific information that data managers need before sharing their data with the researcher.
A partnership between Archives of France, National Archives and CASD has been signed in order to initiate a joined thinking on challenges and guidelines to archive and how to communicate to researchers.
It was an opportunity to discuss current initiatives in France and abroad….
On 29 June 2018, the 10th Day of the Journal of Medical Management and Economics will take place.
As part of the implementation of the DGMP, we remind you that you can unsubscribe from the CASD newsletter at any time.
INSEE and CASD continue to prioritize their commitment to allow research to fully benefit from the potential offered by the new national and European legal frameworks.
German data from IAB, the Research Institute of the Federal Employment Agency in Germany, is now accessible to researchers in France using a remote location at CASD’s offices.
The journal Economie et Statistique is launching a call for papers for a special issue entitled “Youth and Transitions to Adulthood”.
A conference was held on Thursday, 29 March, following the release of the Villani report on artificial intelligence. Many topics were discussed organized around the three main themes of research and training, societal impacts, and economic policies. Questions like: Can AI enter the University? Can AI replace our jobs? At what stage of AI evolution are we today? How can we organize research and training to better develop AI knowledge in France and Europe? Can we trust algorithms? And more
Access from the United States and Canada to INSEE Data Coming Soon
The request to be able to work on French data from the United States and Canada has continually increased. INSEE, in its desire to support research, has just decided to allow access to its data via CASD SD-Boxes provided to North America.
The CASD was received by Cédric Villani on March 6 to discuss access to secure data.
More than 15,200 participants were able to discover the 250 exhibitors’ stands and potentially attend more than 50 conferences…
CASD participated in a meeting at Eurostat with the Directors of Methodology and Information Systems of the Member States.
Mr Schoettl, Honorary State Councillor, has been appointed to succeed Mr Gaeremynck as Chairman of the Statistical Secret Committee.
During their meeting with the deputy Mr. BAICHERE, Philippe CUNEO and Kamel GADOUCHE presented the technology deployed and the functioning of the CASD.
Signing of the agreement with IAB to allow access to German IAB data from CASD premises.
CASD coordinates the implementation of a cross-border collaboration between secure access data center : French, British, German and Dutch. The aim is to facilitate the access to data for researchers of these countries, avoiding them work trips and enabling them…
On February 14, the Secretary of State in charge of digital technology, Mr. MAHJOUBI, came to the Saclay plateau.
CASD coordinates the establishment of collaboration between French, British, German and Dutch secure access centres.
Satisfaction survey is ongoing. The results will be online in June 2018.
The CASD has taken into account the security vulnerabilities revealed at the beginning of 2018, Spectrum and Meltdown, which affect microprocessors.
In order to comply to the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR EU-2016/679), a new draft of the law relating to computers, files and civil was published on 13 December 2017 and is currently under review by the French Parliamant.
What consequences will this new bill have on data access for scientific research ?
Since March 2016, CASD has made PMSI data (Program of Medicalization of Information Systems) available to ATIH authorized users (Technical Agency for Information on the Hospitalization of Health Data) in the best work and safety conditions possible.
CASD presented the results of the work with INSEE on metadata dissemination at the closing meeting of the ESSNet-SCFE project.
On Tuesday, December 12, 2017, at the National Assembly, a round table on the theme of “Public Policy Evaluation, Platform State and Big Data” was held.
The report The Promise of Evidence-Based Policymaking, commissioned by the US Congress, has been released. The goal consists in helping increase the transparency and quality of public policy making by better mobilizing existing data, especially administrative data, while taking into…
With the call for projects from the Single Inter-Ministerial Fund, CASD can provide a turnkey Big Data and Data science platform for the processing of sensitive data.
The Committee on Statistical Secrecy has just launched its new website.
The CASD is pleased to present you his new website devoted to datascience and scientific researches.
In order to meet user expectations, CASD will upgrade IT resources within its workspaces.
CASD has grown significantly since the last service evaluation survey in 2014. In an effort to improve the quality of its services and to better meet the expectations of its growing number of users, anonymous evaluation surveys were conducted. Overall,…