April 8, 2025: EDP user group meeting

Insee is organizing a meeting of the Échantillon Démographique Permanent (EDP) user group on Tuesday April 8, 2025 from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm.

This user group is open to anyone who uses or plans to use the EDP in person, at Insee (room RC-D-665), or via Zoom.

The meeting will be divided into three parts:
• A round-table discussion to allow everyone to introduce themselves and briefly present their topics of study based on the EDP ;
• A presentation by Insee’s EDP team of the 2022 studies database (currently being finalized), as well as EDP developments starting with the 2023 vintage ;
• Presentations of work carried out by users using EDP. The aim of these presentations is to promote collective knowledge, mastery and use of the EDP source.

Presentations on measuring separations in PDE would be particularly welcome!

The idea is for these presentations to be “methodological” in nature (assessment of the quality of certain variables, reconstruction of summary variables, etc.), rather than study results per se.

Presentations can be kept short, and should not exceed 20 minutes.

To propose a presentation, send an e-mail by March 7 with the subject so that we can draw up an agenda.

Information, registration, Zoom login and presentation submission : celine.dennevault@insee.fr or philippe.becquet@insee.fr